New York Open and Concealed Carry Laws and Information


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Let me know if I missed anything or if you have something to add.
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The Delaware County Pistol Clerk considers unrestricted carry licenses issued by the county to be both concealed and open carry at the discretion of the licensee.
Open Carry..

So how does the law apply to carrying your guin in the woods..??/ fishing, camping, hiking, etc....must it be concealed or can it be exposed..???

I would liike to see the wordiing of the NY law covering this issue..

New York it must be concealed unless you are hunting deer or bear.New York Penal Law you can be arrested for menacing for placing a person in fear of his life.
May want to add the regulation that makes it illegal to carry concealed in any NY State Parks:

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New York State Office of Parks
Recreation and Historic Preservation
The following rules and regulations govern the
conduct of the public on property under the
jurisdiction of the New York State Office of
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

Section 375.1
Activities absolutely prohibited.
(p) Firearms and weapons.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subdivision,
no person, other than a member of a Federal, State or municipal
law enforcement agency, shall introduce or possess, either upon the
person or within a vehicle, or use any firearm or any instrument or weapon
the propelling force of which is a spring, rubber or air or any ammunition
or propellant therefor, or a bow and arrow, except for hunting where
permitted by a rule or regulation of a regional park, recreation and historic
preservation commission or pursuant to a permit issued according
to the provisions of section 376.1(r)* of this Title.
(2) Any person employed by a private security firm which has
contracted with the office or with a lessee or licensee of the office for
services on property under the jurisdiction, custody and control of the
office shall be permitted, with the approval of the office, to carry a firearm
supplied by his or her employer in the course of his or her employment
on such property, provided that such person is licensed pursuant to

section 400.00 of the Penal Law and meets such minimum qualifications
as may be established by the commissioner. In addition, any firm providing
security services on lands under the jurisdiction of the office shall
provide public liability insurance, naming the State as an insured party,
in such amounts as the commissioner shall require.
Fatal Attraction

I had an ex-girlfriend try desperately to get me into trouble after we broke up because I wouldn't move into her house with her. She invited me for dinner, then in middle of it started an argument, I left, then she called 911 and claimed that I pushed her. She then filed for a TRO, which was denied at hearing. In the meantime she began appearing on my daily running route on mornings and weekends, then filed a complaint with the police that I was stalking her. I was initially arrested on misdemeanor stalking charges based on her complaint, but charges were dismissed without explanation or court appearance and my arrest record was sealed by the court. I never worried too much about these incidents until I picked up a NYS pistol permit application. My question is: How will these incidents impact the approval of my application?
As long as your charges were dropped by the the Distrct attorneys office and you have the courts disposition that state the charges were dropped or you were found not guilty you should have no problem obtaining a permit.Obtaining a pistol permit in New York is easy upstate, the clerks office provides photos notories the application is simple one card basic pedigree which has to be fingerprinted by any local police agency.If you live in NYC Nassau Suffolk Westchester prepare yourself to do more running around because they won't help you with your application.
As long as your charges were dropped by the the Distrct attorneys office and you have the courts disposition that state the charges were dropped or you were found not guilty you should have no problem obtaining a permit.Obtaining a pistol permit in New York is easy upstate, the clerks office provides photos notories the application is simple one card basic pedigree which has to be fingerprinted by any local police agency.If you live in NYC Nassau Suffolk Westchester prepare yourself to do more running around because they won't help you with your application.


Hunter is right on all accounts. Don't try to hide anything, and put all arrests on your form. They will show up when the Feds do their background check on you even if the case was sealed. Don't expect much help from any of the offices, especially in Westchester and forget about the City.
I have an "Incident" on my record of an arrest in Manhattan from 20 years ago, but the DA "Refused To Prosecute" so there is no disposition number on record and the case was sealed. I listed it on my application of course, and when it showed up during the background check, the investigating officer insisted I get a Disposition number (Which doesn't exist remember?). I had a hell of a time getting the Manhattan DA to write a letter stating they refused to prosecute 20 years ago. It took dozens of phone calls and letter writing, but I finally got it from them. Only took a month of grief.:wacko:
NY Pistol Permit

New York is very unique when comparing how other counties in the state issue permits to there citizens.The trend to getting a permit in a few weeks to waiting over 6 months is common where you apply.Depending what county you live in the paper work is very simple.In NYC and surrounding counties the application is more detailed requiring you to answer more question's.Many people hire a service to fill out the paper work but you still need to get the photos and notories on your own, in some upstate counties the clerk provides that service when you submit the application. It appears that pistol license applications have skyrocketed due to Obama being elected and now creating a delay.As long as you put all the correct information and get four good character refrences your permit well get approved.Remember your permit maybe restricted for target aka sportsman license this is just how many of the counties do it now.Deleware county is the only county in the state that issues unrestricted to every permit holder.Many NY permit holders apply in PA and Florida for a CCW which allows them to carry in over 20 states.
New York is very unique when comparing how other counties in the state issue permits to there citizens.The trend to getting a permit in a few weeks to waiting over 6 months is common where you apply.Depending what county you live in the paper work is very simple.In NYC and surrounding counties the application is more detailed requiring you to answer more question's.Many people hire a service to fill out the paper work but you still need to get the photos and notories on your own, in some upstate counties the clerk provides that service when you submit the application. It appears that pistol license applications have skyrocketed due to Obama being elected and now creating a delay.As long as you put all the correct information and get four good character refrences your permit well get approved.Remember your permit maybe restricted for target aka sportsman license this is just how many of the counties do it now.Deleware county is the only county in the state that issues unrestricted to every permit holder.Many NY permit holders apply in PA and Florida for a CCW which allows them to carry in over 20 states.

Any idea how Columbia County is with issuing carry permits?
Columbia County..

I am a Columbia County resident...this is a pretty gun friendly area. My permit is "un-restricted" and most others that I know of are the same. I think they have a new process here for permits with a finger print more ink. We also have the new style plastic cards which are a major improvement over the old paper versions.

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Hi Guys,
I'm new to the Forum and trying to read up on all the good information posted on NY. I live in NYC and have restricted pistol permits. I would like to apply for a NYS CCW permit. can anyone point me in the right direction here? Not sure if I apply with NYPD or elsewhere?

Many thanks,
You apply where you live. Being that you have a restricted permit from NYC, you would have to convince NYC to give you an unrestricted permit. (Probably not going to happen) You have to apply where you live. Since you live in NYC, your permit is issued from NYC. Your NYC permit is valid in the rest of NY, but you have to follow the restrictions on it.
a quick correction

Your NYC permit is valid in the rest of NY, but you have to follow the restrictions on it.

If you have a NYC permit(premise/not for carry), you are not allowed to take your firearm out of NYC, not even Long Island. It's on the faq on NYPD's website. Link Removed
Can I go target shooting outside NYC?

A NYC carry business license is valid throughout NYS. Premise residence and premise business licenses are only valid in NYC except as indicated in the next section.

Now saying that, many city residents learned how to circumvent that policy by requesting a "Hunting Authorization Card" which allows NYC permit holders to take their firearms throughout New York State for target and hunting purposes. But the permit wardens at 1PP caught on and stop issuing them unless you can produce a valid NYS Hunting License.

Like what Sights on Target stated, living in NYC will only allow you to own a NYC permit. A well spent $440.:hang3:
Is your permit a premise permit or a restricted carry permit? I assumed you have a restricted carry when you said you have restricted permits. If you have a premise permit, they are not valid carry permits as ricardo900 said. If you do have a restricted carry permit or a business carry permit, you are fine.
It is possible for a NYS permit holder who has no restrictions or Full carry to obtain a NYC Special Unrestricted handgun permit.With the Supreme court ruling of Heller and Chicago handgun ban.Expect more law suits against cities/counties that prevent law abiding citizens from getting concealed permits.

I am a former resident of NYC and currently reside in Western New York. Getting a pistol permit was comparatively easy where I am now in comparison to NYCs strict standards. It is very difficult, if not impossible to get a NYC full carry permit unless you are a big name celebrity, retired LEO, or a member of the judicial/legislative system.

As far as getting a NYC special carry with a NYS permit...good luck! You will not get one unless, well, see above. Bloomberg is such a staunch anti-gun advocate that I can only see regulations tightening. Even with the 2nd Amendment victory in D.C., it will be a while before we see, if we do, any relaxation of NYC gun laws.

But I wish you luck! After living in Florida for a number of years and having a full carry permit there, it is hard to live in a state that heavily restricts my right to carry a concealed weapon. I have heard that after a few years with a restricted license a full one will be granted, but that remains to be seen! Stay tuned...
I am a former resident of NYC and currently reside in Western New York. Getting a pistol permit was comparatively easy where I am now in comparison to NYCs strict standards. It is very difficult, if not impossible to get a NYC full carry permit unless you are a big name celebrity, retired LEO, or a member of the judicial/legislative system.

As far as getting a NYC special carry with a NYS permit...good luck! You will not get one unless, well, see above. Bloomberg is such a staunch anti-gun advocate that I can only see regulations tightening. Even with the 2nd Amendment victory in D.C., it will be a while before we see, if we do, any relaxation of NYC gun laws.

But I wish you luck! After living in Florida for a number of years and having a full carry permit there, it is hard to live in a state that heavily restricts my right to carry a concealed weapon. I have heard that after a few years with a restricted license a full one will be granted, but that remains to be seen! Stay tuned...
The reason for getting a special carry in NYC has to be valid.Remember this is New York & NYC have a May Issue stance.It is posible to obtain a NYC permit, but you need to know how to proceed.Bloomberg has changed his stance,what I mean by this is that he has extended the hours at One Police Plaza to better serve pistol permit holders.The next couple of years expect further challenges to cities & states.SCOTUS said reasonable restrictions,It took two years after Heller for SCOTUS to decide Chicago.Best of luck to all.

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