As long as your charges were dropped by the the Distrct attorneys office and you have the courts disposition that state the charges were dropped or you were found not guilty you should have no problem obtaining a permit.Obtaining a pistol permit in New York is easy upstate, the clerks office provides photos notories the application is simple one card basic pedigree which has to be fingerprinted by any local police agency.If you live in NYC Nassau Suffolk Westchester prepare yourself to do more running around because they won't help you with your application.
New York is very unique when comparing how other counties in the state issue permits to there citizens.The trend to getting a permit in a few weeks to waiting over 6 months is common where you apply.Depending what county you live in the paper work is very simple.In NYC and surrounding counties the application is more detailed requiring you to answer more question's.Many people hire a service to fill out the paper work but you still need to get the photos and notories on your own, in some upstate counties the clerk provides that service when you submit the application. It appears that pistol license applications have skyrocketed due to Obama being elected and now creating a delay.As long as you put all the correct information and get four good character refrences your permit well get approved.Remember your permit maybe restricted for target aka sportsman license this is just how many of the counties do it now.Deleware county is the only county in the state that issues unrestricted to every permit holder.Many NY permit holders apply in PA and Florida for a CCW which allows them to carry in over 20 states.
I know a guy from 20 years ago that had a restricted permit from Columbia county.You need to show proper cause to have a full carry.Any idea how Columbia County is with issuing carry permits?
Your NYC permit is valid in the rest of NY, but you have to follow the restrictions on it.
The reason for getting a special carry in NYC has to be valid.Remember this is New York & NYC have a May Issue stance.It is posible to obtain a NYC permit, but you need to know how to proceed.Bloomberg has changed his stance,what I mean by this is that he has extended the hours at One Police Plaza to better serve pistol permit holders.The next couple of years expect further challenges to cities & states.SCOTUS said reasonable restrictions,It took two years after Heller for SCOTUS to decide Chicago.Best of luck to all.I am a former resident of NYC and currently reside in Western New York. Getting a pistol permit was comparatively easy where I am now in comparison to NYCs strict standards. It is very difficult, if not impossible to get a NYC full carry permit unless you are a big name celebrity, retired LEO, or a member of the judicial/legislative system.
As far as getting a NYC special carry with a NYS permit...good luck! You will not get one unless, well, see above. Bloomberg is such a staunch anti-gun advocate that I can only see regulations tightening. Even with the 2nd Amendment victory in D.C., it will be a while before we see, if we do, any relaxation of NYC gun laws.
But I wish you luck! After living in Florida for a number of years and having a full carry permit there, it is hard to live in a state that heavily restricts my right to carry a concealed weapon. I have heard that after a few years with a restricted license a full one will be granted, but that remains to be seen! Stay tuned...