New Toy....


New member
I know its not a new gun but I've been wanting to get a longboard for the gulf coast surf. I sold one of my short boards the other day and found a good deal today. So I bought it. Its a 9'0" Watercooled 2+1 longboard. (Watercooled is the brand name).

I didn't think there was a Lot of of wave action on that side of the state or do you travel to the east coast to surf.
I didn't think there was a Lot of of wave action on that side of the state or do you travel to the east coast to surf.

We have actually had a lot of surf this summer. Anytime a storm or a cold front comes through it'll kick up surfable surf. This past Sunday it was a consistant chest to head high surf. That why I've been wanting a longboard so I can milk any surf out there. Tuesday we were out goofing off in shin to knee high stuff.

Ya we drive over to Coaco beach and surf a lot. We were going to go over this weekend but I have some other stuff going on.
You may have more surf than you want depending on where those nest 3 hurricanes end up going.
Is that board Kevlar coated? Sharks have bad down there this year....:wink:

lol no but it's funny you mention sharks! A couple weeks ago we did see a small one. 2 footer or so but couldn't tell what type. This last storm stirred up the jelly fish and I think all but one of us got hit atleast once between Sunday and monday.
nice board. being up in michigan I am big into snowboarding. my snowboarding buddy moved to florida in march. so going to have to go down and visit him and try surfing out. have you taken it out yet? how does it ride?
nice board. being up in michigan I am big into snowboarding. my snowboarding buddy moved to florida in march. so going to have to go down and visit him and try surfing out. have you taken it out yet? how does it ride?

No not yet. I just picked it up last night and it's flat right now. I was hoping some of the feeder bands from hanna would kick up some surf this weekend but does not look like it will. A buddy and I may go to the east coast this weekend if time permits.

I may still take it out and paddle around a bit. See how it floats and paddles.
Tongue depresser for a shark. My son wants a long board.He has a couple of short sticks.Goes to flagler beach
Tongue depresser for a shark. My son wants a long board.He has a couple of short sticks.Goes to flagler beach

Watercooled is a new brand I've never been on before. It's suppose to be a popular board in Australia but I'll let you know how it rides incase your son runs across one.
Tongue depresser for a shark. My son wants a long board.He has a couple of short sticks.Goes to flagler beach

I got to try out the board today in some sloppy knee high surf and I was quiet pleased. Had no problem catching the smaller waves and much easier to turn then the BIC board I'd been using. I think we are going to try and hit Coaco beach this sunday.
Do any of you carry while surfing? My guess would be no, but if so, how do you carry your piece?

Nope I do not carry while surfing. I usually leave it locked in the car. Normally I'm surfing behind my buddies house so its out the back door, down the beach, and into the water. When I go to the east coast its with me till we head out to the beach then it stays in the car.
Nice to know that you don't let not being able to carry every once in a while deter you from living life and having fun.