New Toy from Florida


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Kel-Tec seems intent in both supplying unique firearms and thumbing their nose at the antis. First of course came the PLR-16, .223 pistol that drove the anti's nuts, now in quarter 2 of 2010 look for the new PMR-30 .22 Magnum (.22WMR) that is not only small and light but holds 30 rounds in its standard in the grip magazine.

Anyone wonder why the push is on to exempt Florida made guns from Federal regulations in Florida? Thirty rounds in the grip, even if it is only .22 will certainly raise a lot of eyebrows.

2BA, Did you get that thang down to the range yet? I have a feeling not only will it be quick, but a lot of fun to plick with...
2BA, Did you get that thang down to the range yet? I have a feeling not only will it be quick, but a lot of fun to plick with...

I wish I had one in my hands, it is projected to have the production model released second quarter, but you know how the goes. There are some reports from people who have shot the prototypes over at and they say it is a pretty slick little unit and cycles the .22 WMR ammo pretty well even though it is a rifle round with slower burning powder.
I don't see the point of this in the 22 magnum. It's a more expensive round with no significant increase in firepower. Would be fun to have this in the regular cheaper .22 round. Blast way with the less expensive ammo. The whole point of having a .22.
I don't see the point of this in the 22 magnum. It's a more expensive round with no significant increase in firepower. Would be fun to have this in the regular cheaper .22 round. Blast way with the less expensive ammo. The whole point of having a .22.
I disagree ken. 22 mags will reach out much further then a .22 LR. They also make a very weak, but capable self defense round. In a pistol, they really have a loud pop. Put a round in a perp's face,legs, or boy parts, you will have a perp ready to leave the area. Chances are, it won't kill right away, but it will put a hurt on what ever it hits. Not the ideal self defensive pistol, but in the hands of a skilled and dertimined marksman, the .22 mag is very capable pistol round. IMO.
They also make a very weak, but capable self defense round. In a pistol, they really have a loud pop... Chances are, it won't kill right away, but it will put a hurt on what ever it hits.
The .22 round is also known as "the surgeons Nightmare". The bullet tends to tumble and change directions inside the body..
My brother just recently emailed me a pic of this gun. He's a lefty and it has an ambidextrious safety, so he's liking it a lot too. Has anyone purchased one and shot one? I'm curious to know what you think, as I am really liking this gun as a cool, but economical alternative to the fn-57.
I have been debating getting a SUB-2000 in 40S&W to go along with my Glock 22.

Don't debate. Get one ASAP. It's a fun gun. Keeps my G27 and G22 company. You can also purchase aftermarket 30 round mag's for it. I love mine.

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