old salt
New member
I’m new to USA Carry, (my first day) so I just wanted to post a hello and to tell you a little about myself. My wife and I are retired and relocated to the upstate of South Carolina 3 years ago from Erie PA. With the down turn in the economy there seemed to be a rise in home invasions and strong arm robberies in this area. Last year I took my eight hours of training so I could receive my South Carolina CWP. My full time carry is now a 40 caliber Glock 27. I also use my 40 caliber Glock 23 to shoot IDPA. I’ll spend some time reading and getting to know the USA Carry Forum before doing much posting. Just want to be sure of what I’m doing.
I’m new to USA Carry, (my first day) so I just wanted to post a hello and to tell you a little about myself. My wife and I are retired and relocated to the upstate of South Carolina 3 years ago from Erie PA. With the down turn in the economy there seemed to be a rise in home invasions and strong arm robberies in this area. Last year I took my eight hours of training so I could receive my South Carolina CWP. My full time carry is now a 40 caliber Glock 27. I also use my 40 caliber Glock 23 to shoot IDPA. I’ll spend some time reading and getting to know the USA Carry Forum before doing much posting. Just want to be sure of what I’m doing.