New to this site from Ga.


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Just wanted to take a sec. to Introduce my self. My name is Glenn aka SA1911 I'm from ATL Ga.
This the first time on the site and I can't Waite to get my feet wet on here and learn more about the world of
CCW .I have had guns all of my life and this is my sec time around for a license. The first license was not a CCW but a carry license, every thing has changed in my state . All kind of new Laws are on the books now then in the early 90's so it all new to me . It's good to be apart of a grope of Gun owners like myself and believe the same way.

Thanks for allowing me to be apart of this site. SA1911

To our new member from "Jawja" I attend 4 meetings a year of our National Outreach Organization just outside of Savanna...Just love the state and its peopleI am a shooter, gun collector, reloader and CCW holder.

NRA Benefactor:girl_wink::man_in_love::sarcastic::hang3:
It's good to be apart of a grope of Gun owners like myself and believe the same way.
Welcome from Tampa Bay Floriduh...
You will find in this place, just like any other, that there are various opinions here.. However, that is what makes it interesting.. If we all thought exactly the same, there would be no reason to type anything and there would be nothing you read that would make you stop and think about what you believe to be true / right.

There are always more then one way to look/feel about things; some of that comes out here. So jump in and enjoy the ride..

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