New to site.. Go ahead.. Take your Shots!!!


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Hey - I'm new to the site and still looking around..
I live in Floriduh and carry a Sccy CPX-1

Any other Sccy owners???
It is FloridDA ... as in This is "DA" place to be! The "duh" only applies to voting ... not firearms ... we have one of the best permits and many of the best CCW laws in the country making it a great place to protect yourself.

Welcome to the forum.

I am not really familiar with SCCY but after a quick check ... I Like It! I may have to see that thing up close and personal. I carry .380 in the form of a Kel-Tec P-3AT and a Ruger LCP with CT Laser because I usually pocket carry in shorts, but that your SCCY looks like it could be another nice 9mm for the collection.

Anyway ... again, welcome from the South
New to site.. Go ahead.. Take your Shots!!!
Later, but thanks for the offer...
Hey - I'm new to the site and still looking around..
I live in Floriduh and carry a Sccy CPX-1

Any other Sccy owners???
Sorry, Not a Sccy owner, but I have seen them in a display case or two. (Unfortunately, all I really know [!?!?] about them I learned on KTOG--so I'll--obviously-- wait to hear your real experiences)

all I really know [!?!?] about them I learned on KTOG--so I'll--obviously-- wait to hear your real experiences)

Thanx for the welcome..
Oh, I bet there are all kinds of good things said about Sccy on the KTOG!!! :sarcastic:

Where are you located, or is that "Concealed"???
HootMon, welcome aboard. The Sccy got a decent review from USCCA. We had two of them in our shop and sold one this week. They seem well made.
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