New to NH


New member
I have officially joined the ranks of the NH board. I made the move to the Granite State on 2/12/09. I found the Grafton County Fish & Game this morning for a couple of rounds of skeet. Had a good time, but now I need to find a place that hosts IDPA.

I am in the Sulivan County area if anyone wants to dump some ammo downrange with the new guy.

WELCOME Matt (no pun intended) from about 2 hours East of You. I think You made the right choice moving to the good ol Live Free Or Die state! You got someone else out there in your neck of the woods who is on here but I'll let them introduce themselves. I'm in the middle of building a shooting AREA in My backyard from last Fall and hope to have it finished by this Spring/Summer. So, when You and the Other guy on here make it down this area one of these days let me know and we'll do some shooting (date/time/weather permitting...of course).
Yeah that would be me. I just had to sell off all my guns :angry: . I got laided off from my job so we needed money for the family. I'M working on getting another job and when i do i got the ok to spend 5 to 6 on my Concealed carry gun and gear. I'M going to be filling out the paper work for the NH highway sponsor program. You pick of the trash on the side of the highway three times a year. In return they put your sign on the highway and that sign would say ( So it would read like this. "This highway is sponsored by". If any one in the state would like in on it let me know. Great thing is we can have as many highways as we want as long as we pick up the trash. I"M also trying to set up a Usacarry picnic for this summer for members from NH,VT,MA,NY and other people close by who can come as well as any other person who wants to come. Just a get together hangout talk and eat some good food. Spread the word about usacarry to new members who may show up. As well as just spreading the word about concealed carry/open carry. Get back to me by posting in this topic or PM me or hit me up on Aim.
M&P, I am very sorry for the hardships. I hope you get back on your feet and on the range real fast.

Let me know when you need some help with the highway sponsorship. I think that some of the FreeState people might be inclined to help.

Ok here is a update on the Sponsor a Highway program. I called the DOT yesterday the guy i needed to talk to was out of the office. He just called me like 15 mins ago. We talked and he is sending out the application and the book for me to read. It's a two year deal meaning we have that part of the road for two years at a time. When the times up we can resign up for it again for another two years. It's four times a year, "April, June, August and October" It's two miles ( It's really four milesas it's two miles one way and then two miles the other way). The State DOT department gives us all the bags/vests and road signs saying "litter pickup ahead" we pick it up and then leave the bags on the side of the road and they pick them up in the state trucks. Now we pick the day in the months we want to do it as well as the time. They have two sponsor programs they have "Limited Access highways" thats interstates, turnpickes and so on on. With that kind you have to pay a subcontracter to go out the pick up the trash for you as the state does not want groups of people/a person on the side of the interstate for safty reasons. Then they have "Secondary highways" thats state highways and this one is free because they let you do it your self. As it's just me and i do not have the money ( or any money for that matter LOL) I will be doing the Secondary highway. You still get a big sign just smaller then the interstate ones. As of now it's just me doing the four miles.I'M looking at doing it on the John Stark Highway from Claremont,NH to Newport NH. As that get s alot of travel and would be a good place for the sign.Another one is Route 12A and that runs from Claremont,NH to Charlestown,NH to Keene,NH another road that gets alot of traval. 3rd would be the back way to West Leb NH as that gets alot of traval as well. I have to pick 3 and put them in the order i want 1st,2nd,3rd, choice. IF any one would like to do this with me let me know by posting here or in a PM. I think i will need your name and some other information to put on the application not sure yet as i do not have the Application yet. I'm trying to set up a picnic for this summer and could use some help with that. I'm going to go get the application for the permit. I may have some trouble with that as some people are anit gun and think they know the laws. But RSA 159:26 should shut them up real fast. If not then Both RSA 159:26 and RSA 159:19 will do the trick. We will need a food list of what people want and Grills ( the park has some pits and stand up grills. Who wants to come and who is bringing what. Again you do not need to have a gun to come you can even be anit gun and come. Few rules, No beer of any kind ( does not mix with guns and cant have it by city code) Guns will stay holstered at all times. and a few others we can add as we go. So again if you would like to be apart of one or both get back to me.
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Just got back from Rugrats vacation in FL. yesterday and now going through emails and all that other stuff from last night. Sorry You lost the job and had to sell off Your weapons. I guess You do what You have to do to keep the Family together. Family IS number 1 ALWAYS.
Yes, S&WM&P40 I was talking about You when I mentioned about shooting down over here, I just didn't want to give out your name (didn't know if it was ok or not to do so).
Things are getting slow where I work and I have looked through my things as far as selling if I have to IF the time comes to do so. Great thing to do for the Clean-Up. A little to far for me though. So, I'll have to pass on that one. As far as the get together, sounds like a cool thing. I "play by ear", so, it's one of those things...I may show up or I may not. Lots to do here at home and then with the Rugrats sports over this summer and...etc, you know. I'm sure over time You'll post something on here (date/time/etc) and I'll check it out anyway. Keep the spirits up and keep Your Family together.
Update! I got the application and other paper work in the mail today. The application it's self is a one page application. Then i got the 15 page handbook with all the rules and what not in it. We need a group name. name of a chair person/contact for the group. We need a group responsible officer and we need a safety officer. For the sign it's self we get two lines with a MAX of 18 characters per line. Then i have to pick the top three roads i would like to clean in the order that i would like them. For now seeing as how not many people on here or in NH seem like they want to do it. I will do all 3 of the jobs my self. I know willyny has said he may want to do this. If we get more people the job i will be doing is Chairperson. That will leave the safety officer and responsible officer. If you would like to take part and have a job let me know. I have the information about the jobs in the paper work and can tell you all about them.
Ok so for a group name i came up with Friends of Concealed carry. For the road sign it's self i have usacarry, and conceal carry info.
Good on you, S&WM&P40!!!

First, I am sorry to hear about your job. I think that many of us will be there soon enough. On the bright side, I believe that you are in one of the few states that will weather this storm. I also appreciate you getting out there and working so hard for all of us on the forum. I live on the southern coast of CT, so I can't help with the trash pickup, although I will look into it here.

I would, however, enjoy taking a drive up if you guys have a picnic. Just let me know what to bring!:biggrin:
Yeah thats what I'M hoping to do this summer is the big picnic. Other forum members have said they would like to drive or fly up for it. Even luke said he would come up for it. So i will open a new tread on this topic to get it out more for people who do not come to the NH forums.