New to me.....Ruger 10/22


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My father-in-law cleared out his father's gun safe after he died, and had an assortment of various .22 rifles and a couple shotguns on the table. It was a pretty spiffy little collection of interesting rifles, one of which was what he called a "gallery" gun. You load it by pumping ammo into a hole bored into the stock, and cycle the rounds by cranking a knob in the buttplate. Anyway, he had them out to clean them up so he could trade for a Sharps .40-65 rifle. Apparently, he didn't think that the 10/22 carbine would get him much, so he sent me home with it. YAY ME! I don't think it's terribly old, but I've got no way of determining its age through the serial number. The 10/22 I bought last year was in the 365-xxxxx range, and this one is somewhere around a 215-xxxx.

I plan on keeping it around to give to Pascal Jr. as his first rifle. Good weekend!
That would be close to late 80's.. Sorry about the death... I had a 10/22, bought it in 1988 or so and kick myself on a regular basis for selling it. I stopped in to my local dealer today and he has a new one for $250.00. I recall paying about $85.00 or so for it back then... Yea I know.. Kicking myself again...
This one will stay in the's basic, but pretty. The finish is still pretty good on the metal, and the stock is relatively dark, with very few scratches and nicks. I'm pretty stoked.
The meaning of the whole gesture is really starting to sink in. My F.I.L. isn't much for pomp & circumstance, nor telling folks what to do. I think it was meant for me to keep it as "Junior's First Rifle", but it was up to me to figure out. I think it's extra special for the boy's first gun to be a family "heirloom" of sorts. I'm looking forward to lots of fun time teaching the boy to shoot with it.
I think it was meant for me to keep it as "Junior's First Rifle", but it was up to me to figure out. I think it's extra special for the boy's first gun to be a family "heirloom" of sorts. I'm looking forward to lots of fun time teaching the boy to shoot with it.

I bought my son a model 62 Rossi .22 pump carbine when he was about 12. (He's 40 now) He and his wife made a decision to move to Central America to do missionary work about 2 years ago. He sold all his handguns before the move, but asked me to keep the .22. ( His son was 6 mos old when they went to C.A.). I gave him $100 for it (really a contribution to his work) and will keep it for his son (my grandson) when they eventually come back to the US.

I still have the Marlin 39A my dad bought me when I was a young'n.

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