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My name is Sharon and I live in a state that is very archaic, but allows all types of hunting, and the only they do not allow is concealed carry.

I am in a power chair and very suseptible to being attacked every time I go out to enjoy an evening of shopping you name it.

How can I get this state's lazy politicians off their you know whats to get this passed.

I thought the Second Admendment guarenteed our rights for concealed carry, and if this is true then the state is going against the Federal Governnment.

Welcome to the forum!!

Unfortunately your own states Governor has fought vehemently to stop any CCW legislation, but there are PAC out there in your state, and phone calls to your state Representatives helps, get to know them call them, write them, and check out the state forums section here and find others of a like mind...
Hey Sharon...

Take Sheldon's advice.. And if worse comes to worse.. Move to Floriduh!!!! We have lots of old people and people in power chairs, so you will hardly be noticed.. AND you can Conceal Carry with a Permit!!!

Just a thought

And welcome to the board from Tampa Bay!
Hello, and welcome Sharon, I ordered my power chair Friday, I am lucky to live in a state with CC which I already have, Good luck, be safe.............. from the shore of SC.....................
Welcome to the forum Sharon! All you can do is call, wright and get others to do the same. You need to get others to only support 2A candidates when elections come around. Just keep pushing. I know how you feel. I also have a power chair and use it whenever I go out. I've had to use one since I had spinal cord surgery in 1998. I never go anywhere without my chair and my Kahr PM45.
Come to Pennsylvania. It's a gun friendly state, the License to Carry a Firearm is issued on a shall issue basis, and the Commonwealth doesn't tax retirement income.
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition. Doyle isn't going to run for a third term.:pleasantry:

What kind of power chair did you get?

I have the Innovation in Motion Frontier X5
I have a Quickie G-424 that the VA gave me plus two lifts for my vehicles. I've had it for four years and it's about time for them to get me another one. They gave me a scooter first and after I wore it out the gave me the Quickie. The chair is a lot better than the scooter. You can get around a lot better in stores.
Welcome to the group Sharon. I will be travelling to WI next week and I allways wish they would allow CHL's
DougG Tom and I would love to meet you.

PM me and maybe we can meet some place to get together and chat.

Fredom is broke and Tom refuses to go into a restaurant with his scooter.

I have and I love it.

May you can give Tom pointers on a van and lift.

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