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Just thought i would say hi. I am located in SC and have been reading the threads for a while now and have just decided to go ahead and join. I have taken the CWP class and anxiously checking the mail daily. SLED has had my packet for 57 days now and I am hoping it will come Friday or Saturday so we will see. I have a Colt deffender plus that I shoot for the class. However I am thinking of buying a Glock 27 for carry beause of the shorter grips. well I look forward to learning a great deal from the rest of you.
Welcome from another sandlapper. One thing to consider about the Glock 27 is that it does have shorter grips but I believe that the grip is much thicker. Lots of people find that the thickness of the grip is the major problem in trying to conceal so be aware of that before going out and buying one.
Not to make you lose any hope, but I'm on day 69 or 71 depending whether you use the day SLED received the packet, or the check cleared. So might be a little more wait, but you never know. Anyone gotten a permit pretty recently that can tell how long theirs took?
Welcome from the Upstate ewarrier2. It seems like every state has a large backlog on permits. So many are now getting theirs and its making the system very slow.
Mine took exactly 60 days mailbox to mailbox. but that was a couple of years ago. The standard from everyone I hear is expect tthe full 90 days and anything less is a bonus. Ny NH was supposed to take 2 weeks and took 7 weeks
Welcome from Oregon.
Have you checked out the Glock 36? That is my CCW, it's very thin, and has a short grip. It fits great in my hands, nice and small, and .45acp
Somebody on another thread pointed out that

one of the things sled does is send a note to your local sherrif letting them know you've aplied and such... if the sherrif replys quickly then that might speed things up...if they don't or don't reply at all then they wait the full 90 days and then send the permit.
one of the things sled does is send a note to your local sherrif letting them know you've aplied and such... if the sherrif replys quickly then that might speed things up...if they don't or don't reply at all then they wait the full 90 days and then send the permit.

The Sheriff has 7 days to reply so the most it would speed it up is 7 days supposedly. Not sure if that is calendar or working days. When I sent my application off I was going to call some Deputies I know to get the Sheriff to speed it up until I found out it wouldn't do much good.
permit came

got my permit in the mail the other day 80 days from the date they recieved it. went ahead and got the G27 i did look at the G36 which is not as thick but i went ahead and bought the 27. This is my first glock and thus far i am very pleased with the glock. The gun seems to have much less play in it between the slide and the reciever than my Deffender has. havent got to shoot it yet but i will this weekend. any one have any suggestions on this best holster for me to get for it. I am tall and pretty skinny so i was thinking about the smart carry but i have never seen one in person. I would also consider IWB holsters. if anyone has any suggestions on a good holster for this gun let me know. thanks

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