New to CC and looking for advice


New member
Hi all! I do not have my permit yet but should soon and I am still trying to make my mind up on holsters and little things like carry gear. I have a XD .40 with a 4" barrel. Right now I have a holster from El Paso saddle company that is kind of like a high ride OWB. I'll get a picture up tomorrow hopefully. However I m unsure as to how well it will work for me... reason being is that it seems like the grip prints too much. Any advice?

Also just curious as to what you all see as carry essentials. Thanks

try wearing it aroung the house with your buddies over. Dont tell them you are carrying, and see if they notice. I just started carrying myself and noticed that I was real paranoid, but you will soon find out that no one will no you are carrying
Most people here will probably disagree with me on this.. But here was my solution.

I also am very concerned about printing.. It's not so much that I think most people will notice, shoot they don't notice me on a yellow motorcycle and a red jacket, most people are oblivious...
However, you only need the one that notices and freaks out and yells - "HE'S GOT A GUN!!!"
OK.. So much for my fears and nightmares..

but here was my solution..
I bought a left hand holster, I put it at 5 O'clock in my back, just far enough around to the back that the handle is even with side (about 4:30) and far enough to the front that I can sit back comfortably. I also wear a tank top/wife beater t-shirt to keep the gun off my skin, I then wear either a XL T-Shirt or a casual button down shirt NOT tucked in (I live in Floriduh, so both untucked is acceptable). I find that even when I bend over to pick something up, I barely print, but I do tug my shirt down after I sit or bend over..
I've trained my self that when I go to pull, the back of my hand rolls toward my side and I think I can draw just about as fast like this as having the weapon digging into my hip in a normal right hand draw.. If someone got the jump on me it would look like I was just reaching for my wallet.
I'm not standing outside a saloon waiting for someone to say draw, so technically I'm sure this is a slightly slower draw position, but the decrease in printing is well worth it..
Hi all! I do not have my permit yet but should soon and I am still trying to make my mind up on holsters and little things like carry gear. I have a XD .40 with a 4" barrel. Right now I have a holster from El Paso saddle company that is kind of like a high ride OWB. I'll get a picture up tomorrow hopefully. However I m unsure as to how well it will work for me... reason being is that it seems like the grip prints too much. Any advice?

Also just curious as to what you all see as carry essentials. Thanks


Welcome, xdsoldier, from the Old North state!!!

An extra mag is essential.
Many of us carry a BUG (back up gun), with a spare mag, too.
Most El Paso holsters are made for a inch an half or inch and three quarter belt - get a proper sized belt of double thickness (there are some reasonable priced belts out there specifically for concealed carry). Another issue with El Paso is that their leather is cut a little on the thin side - great for some weapons, bad for other, heavier ones. Might look up DM Bullard (Gun Leather, Concealment and Cowboy holsters, Azle, TX.) for holsters as well - I've never had one of his that was not just perfect.
That's a large weapon to conceal, I carry either a Glock 17 or a full size 1911. I've found the IWB's aren't that comfortable with wide weapons (Glock, XD, M&P Series). I carry a 1911 on a don hume OWB and found it much more comfortable. High ride OWB may be your only option (depending on your body) to carry a full size weapon. Unless of course you're willing to change the way you dress to carry...

Carry essentials:
Spare mag (Mag is most likely to malfunction)
Flashlight (hand held- I prefer the streamlight Strion but they do make smaller..)
Folding knife and/or multi tool (I carry a cheapie Walmart blade...but it cuts...)

You will find a wide variety of people here. Some will carry only their weapon, while others carry Weapon, 2 mags, multi tool, knife, back up gun (BUG), first aid essentials, pen, flashlight...Ultimately it depends on how much you can comfortably carry and have the item(s) concealed.
xdsoldier, I carry the XD .40, 4" and have tried several different holsters. I ended up using crossbreed for both iwb and owb. The supertuck and snapslide. The snapslide holds nice and close to your body. At 3:00 or 3:30, the butt barely prints. With the supertuck, no one even knows it there. The 40 just disappears.
That's a large weapon to conceal, I carry either a Glock 17 or a full size 1911. I've found the IWB's aren't that comfortable with wide weapons (Glock, XD, M&P Series). I carry a 1911 on a don hume OWB and found it much more comfortable. High ride OWB may be your only option (depending on your body) to carry a full size weapon. Unless of course you're willing to change the way you dress to carry...

Carry essentials:
Spare mag (Mag is most likely to malfunction)
Flashlight (hand held- I prefer the streamlight Strion but they do make smaller..)
Folding knife and/or multi tool (I carry a cheapie Walmart blade...but it cuts...)

You will find a wide variety of people here. Some will carry only their weapon, while others carry Weapon, 2 mags, multi tool, knife, back up gun (BUG), first aid essentials, pen, flashlight...Ultimately it depends on how much you can comfortably carry and have the item(s) concealed.

I too have a Steamlight Strion and im looking for a magazine/flashlight combo carrier that will hold my Strion and a Glock 30 mag. Any suggestions?
xdsoldier, I carry the XD .40, 4" and have tried several different holsters. I ended up using crossbreed for both iwb and owb. The supertuck and snapslide. The snapslide holds nice and close to your body. At 3:00 or 3:30, the butt barely prints. With the supertuck, no one even knows it there. The 40 just disappears.

I 2nd the CrossBreed SuperTuck deluxe. I carry my Smith and Wesson M&P 45 full frame in one and it's the most comfortable feeling and fitting IWB I have. No one notices it. It fits the M&P with Crimson Trace Laser-Grips added with room to spare. For cool to cold weather I use a Blackhawk CQC SERPA combo Belt loop/Paddle holster. It fits close and sits high enough to be hidden by my field coats. The cant is adjustable and it features a positive retention lock with a natural position release button.
Spare magazine in a Blackhawk double-stack magazine holder.

I carry my Smith and Wesson model 65-3 K frame revolver in a DeSantis Speed- Scabbard, It’s too bulky for any IWB. The DeSantis sits high and keeps the grip next to my ribs and with just the right forward cant. Mostly cool weather for the revolver as it prints with just a tee shirt. Speed loader in my coat pocket.

Leatherman Wave and or Benchmade Griptilian knife for good luck…

You will get lots of good advice here, many great folks who have lots of gear and will always give you their opinion. But you should try a few and see what works. One of the nice things with CrossBreed is the try it period and customer service is great. I emailed the company to ask a payment question and the answer was from the owner and was 25 minutes later. Choose the one that feels the best and fits you with comfort and keeps your weapon concealed if that is a concern. Post your choice and pictures when you do choose.

Good luck and welcome to the site XDsoldier.

Peace and merry Christmas.
I too have a Steamlight Strion and im looking for a magazine/flashlight combo carrier that will hold my Strion and a Glock 30 mag. Any suggestions?

Check out the Dillon leather collection. Go to Dillon Precision: Reloaders, Reloading Equipment, Bullet Reloading, Bullet Reloaders

Sign up for their free catalog Blue Press. I noted they have a rig in the catalog for one spare mag and a flashlight.

Dillon Precision: Reloaders, Reloading Equipment, Bullet Reloading, Bullet Reloaders

It looks like a good option.
Whether you choose to carry inside or outside the waistband, if you find the grip prints too much if you bend forward, there are some things you can do to minimize this. First, find a holster that has what is commonly called the 'FBI Cant", or about a 15 degree cant. This means the muzzle is angled toward your rear, and the grip is more forward than up and down. Second, position the holster so that the grip is in the natural hollow spot just behind your hip. Physically, try to get in the habit of squatting to get to things on the ground or low shelves rather than bending at the waist. I have been carrying for about 23 years, first as a cop, always concealed off duty, and now as a permit holder, even more conscious of concealment. I have carried guns as large as a Beretta 92FS, and as small as a S&W J frame or Walther PPK/s. Because I carried as a cop, I got in the habit of carrying two reloads for whatever I carried, and I have gotten in the habit of carrying a small Surefire flashlight in my pocket. Currently I am carrying a Glock G19, two magazines, and the flashlight. I use a Desantis Piecekeeper or CompTac Infidel IWB holster, and CompTac double magazine carrier. I always wear some sort of shirt between the gun and my skin, wifebeater in the hottest weather, and an untucked shirt, sweater, or sweatshirt over the gun, unless I'm wearing a suit or sportcoat. I am relatively sure no one has ever "made" my pistol, though its hard to say if no one confronts you. I have routinely asked family members "can you tell where my gun is?" anytime I change holsters, locations, or carry methods. Hope my lengthy answer helps a little.
Whats up dude? I also carry an XD40 with CT Laser grips.
I will sometimes carry OWB and some times IWB...just depends on the day and what I got going on and what Im wearing.
For the OWB my XD usually rides in a UBG Phaetos Link Removed
For IWB I use a Milt Sparks Versa Max II Milt Sparks Holsters
If I carry a BUG its usually my Ruger LCP...I dont always carry a BUG
I always have an extra mag that rides on the weak side
Always have a flashlight...right now using a little Fenix PD20 (I think that is the model)
I always carry a tactical folder in my front right pocket...right now its the Benchmade 741 Onslaught
So I dont scare the sheeple of the world...I carry a utility blade too...usually a Benchmade Mini Grip
Gotta have my Victorinox Swisstool also
Comtech Stinger rides in the pocket too....thats my good luck charm!!!
Get a good belt too dude...Beltman or Crossbreed
Good luck!
...but here was my solution..

I bought a left hand holster, I put it at 5 O'clock in my back,...

I've trained my self that when I go to pull, the back of my hand rolls toward my side

Interesting! I haven't seen anybody do that recently. Fifty years ago, my father had a friend who was an FBI SA who carried his revolver that way. He always wore a suit, of course, and by reversing his hand he used his thumb to sweep his coat away from his body on the draw. No telling how much time he spent practicing, but he was F A S T!

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