New Orleans Mayor


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Can you say "idiot"?

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I didn't see the picture with the story, so here's a link to a page with the picutre in question.

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They have since removed this photo, scroll down in this thread for the picture.

If you can't see the picture in my next post, go to page 2 for an alternate method of viewing.
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The voters get what they elect!

The New Orleans voters need to go to the ballot box and get rid of Nagin and the rest of the yo-yo's that have been running that zoo since prior to Hurricane Katrina. Several of these folks seem to have elevators that don't quite go all the way to the top! It is difinitely difficult to fix stupid!

Vote them out!!!
I learned at a very young age that you do NOT point a gun at something your not going to shot. Very sad that someone that is involved in writing and passing laws, including gun laws, doesn't know/respect guns enough not to point it at an officer!

At least his finger was off the trigger. Oh and I love the Hollywood shoot from the hip technique he is using!
After reading the story and looking at the picture I may have to re think my oppinion. Perhaps there ae some that should not have guns.
Yeah, a real winner. It's too bad so many anti's are that way at least partially due to lack of education/knowledge about firearms. Appears Mr. Nagin is one that could use a little educating although I don't know that it would change his views any . . .
Unfortunately a lot of you here are showing ignorance

if anyobne visit the links and see the video, you would see that the still photo was captured during a motion to put the gun away

Just what the anti-2a media wanted the public to believe, and a lot of you here seemed duped, "believed" the same media you all criticise everyday on pro-gun forums about how misleading they are in reporting, yet some of you just fell to their deception.

link to video
Well, I watched the video 2-3 times

and the fact remains that Nagin does point the weapon at the Police Chief. It makes no difference whether he was putting it away, playing at shooting the chief or anything else. Swinging the weapon through an arc which traverses the Chief is dangerous behavior. Go to a public range and act like that in front of the range safety officer or your instructor and see what happens. It is, SIMPLY, negligent handling of a weapon. Actions like this get people killed. Yes, there is no mag in the gun, yes they are at a "supervised" photo-opp but Nagin shows a total lack of understanding concerning the handling of a firearm. Some kid can see this picture and draw the conclusion that this is the way supposedly responsible adults handle weapons. Arguably the laughter is out of context but, it doesn't change the fact that you NEVER point a firearm at someone without the intent to use it. PERIOD. I am equally unimpressed with the Chief and a supposedly highly-trained SWAT team allowing this kind of playful behavior. It typifies the worst sort of good, ole' boy stupidity and stereotyping of ignorant politicians attempting to act like they are knowledgeable about something when they are demonstrably incompetent and clueless.
I showed the picture to my daughter and asked her if she saw anything wrong with it. She didn't because she didn't know who the 2 people were and simply assumed Nagin was using his weapon to defend himself and had the intent to kill the chief, because "you should never point a gun at something you don't want to destroy". Thanks mayor for giving us all a lesson on how not to handle weapons.
after watching the video I am going to have to agree that the photo is definately misleading. I asked a buddy who works in a gun store about it. he said that people point guns at him all day long. not on purpose of course. and it even happens with experienced gun handlers. that's all we need is more crap that is manufactured by the media to make the anti gun people even more anti gun.
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After seeing the video I agree the Anti's are at work. Did the gun get pointed at the chief? yes,did he hold the gun pointed at the chief? No
Sometimes you need more than a single picture to tell the whole truth.
and the fact remains that Nagin does point the weapon at the Police Chief. It makes no difference whether he was putting it away, playing at shooting the chief or anything else. Swinging the weapon through an arc which traverses the Chief is dangerous behavior. Go to a public range and act like that in front of the range safety officer or your instructor and see what happens. It is, SIMPLY, negligent handling of a weapon. Actions like this get people killed. Yes, there is no mag in the gun, yes they are at a "supervised" photo-opp but Nagin shows a total lack of understanding concerning the handling of a firearm. Some kid can see this picture and draw the conclusion that this is the way supposedly responsible adults handle weapons. Arguably the laughter is out of context but, it doesn't change the fact that you NEVER point a firearm at someone without the intent to use it. PERIOD. I am equally unimpressed with the Chief and a supposedly highly-trained SWAT team allowing this kind of playful behavior. It typifies the worst sort of good, ole' boy stupidity and stereotyping of ignorant politicians attempting to act like they are knowledgeable about something when they are demonstrably incompetent and clueless.

I would have been much impressed if he arched the gun AWAY from everyone. If he swept me with an AR I would be pissed.

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