New Hampshire Seeking 500% Hike of License to Carry Fees!

Red Hat

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Looks like they are just going after higher fees for Non-Resident permits.

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New Hampshire Seeking 500% Hike of License to Carry Fees!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Please Contact Your State Legislators Today!

The New Hampshire Legislature is currently considering the New Hampshire state budget (House Bill 2). The budget bill contains language that would increase the fees for non-resident licenses to carry from $20.00 to $100.00, a 500% increase in the fee.

The Granite State is seeking to balance the budget on the backs of law-abiding gun owners who simply wish to carry a firearm for self-defense while visiting the state. Make no mistake, allowing this increase for non-residents will eventually lead to such hikes for resident license holders. If legislators don’t hear from you on this, they may assume that an increase on resident Right-to-Carry fees is ok as well.

Please contact your state legislators TODAY and respectfully urge them to insist that the Budget Conference Committee strip out this fee increase.
Since I'm not a resident, all I can do if this goes into effect before mine comes up for renewal, I just won't renew it. I suppose that since the Democrats took over both chambers of the legislature in '06, that I should not be surprised about this.
looks like it passed

Got a note from my state rep that it is not coming out of HB 2. I asked what else can be done, but it doesn't look like much.
I'll pay it if I have to. Even at $100 for renewal it's worth it to me. It gives me a couple key states that I need.
Anything to piss us off to the point that we won't renew. It's happening ALL over the country I'm sure. What next??!!!
I'd only get this permit for this state, as my other permits would cover the rest. But going to have to get this as soon as I get my first CCW permit in the mail. Family has talked about traveling that direction, so for $20, may as well buy it...and if price went up, I wouldn't bother.
Yup, they are raising non-resident permits to $100 starting July 1. I just got my first carry permit today from MN. First thing I did...filled out the NH application and mailed it in. It may not get there by July 1, but it will be postmarked before that. If they don't take it, I ain't paying $100.
Since I'm not a resident, all I can do if this goes into effect before mine comes up for renewal, I just won't renew it. I suppose that since the Democrats took over both chambers of the legislature in '06, that I should not be surprised about this.

I also will not renew when mine comes up for renewal in 2011. I will just open carry instead, when I am in NH. The problem in NH is that too many Massholes moved over the border to escape Taxachussets. What's so messed up is that this flood of Massholes brought their voting habits with them....they've never seen a Democrat they didn't like. It's absolute insanity! :fie:
They may have anticipated a surge in out-of-state applications, so they needed a large influx of cash to hire additional staff to handle the increased workload.

500% sounds like a lot but when you are talking $20 to $100, give me a break--this is not an assault on gun rights. If it had gone ot $500 or $1000, then it is an argument, but $100---puleeze.
I have my application filled out and a check written for $100 for my renewal. I also have my son's ready to go. $20 or $100 I don't care. I have a need for it and it covers the areas that other cheap permits won't. Plus there are no hoops to jump through to get one. They go in the mail tomorrow!
$100 is more than it costs the state to run a background check, print a permit, and mail it out. The increase in price could price some people out of right-to-carry.

The FBI currently charges local LE agencies $19.75 for the fingerprint check. Add to that another $10 or so for the production and mailing of the physical permit, and another $10 for administration and record keeping. Total cost to a LE agency would be approx. $39.75. I can understand adding an additional $10 or so for future "unexpected costs" like the need to hire more personnel to process applications, update computer hardware, etc. Total cost shouldn't exceed $50 or so for a 5 year permit. They could even give residents a break in the form of a reduced cost or longer valid time frame. Any more than that and I feel the government is ripping off the citizens. :mad:

The FBI currently charges local LE agencies $19.75 for the fingerprint check. Add to that another $10 or so for the production and mailing of the physical permit, and another $10 for administration and record keeping. Total cost to a LE agency would be approx. $39.75. I can understand adding an additional $10 or so for future "unexpected costs" like the need to hire more personnel to process applications, update computer hardware, etc. Total cost shouldn't exceed $50 or so for a 5 year permit. They could even give residents a break in the form of a reduced cost or longer valid time frame. Any more than that and I feel the government is ripping off the citizens. :mad:


Resident NH permit...still on $10.
I hope that the Vote them out mentality eliminates the demacratic majorities here in NH. Would be nice to have our state back.:sarcastic:
I'm relatively new to this site, but I have one simple question to ask; Why or what makes a permit from New Hampshire so important? If your home state's CCW is accepted in 36 different states then why bother with a Non-Res. permit from NH?
In my case my SC CWP doesn't cover GA, AL or MS. I travel in those states so my NH non-resident permit covers me.
My Pa. license is now good in NH. It was good when I renewed it 3 years ago, but NH gave me a few more states. I have since gotten my Utah non-resident which gives me what NH did plus more. It only cost $65.00 for the license and it is only $10.00 to renew. I must add, though, that the class for the license was $85.00, which is a 1 time fee.
I'm relatively new to this site, but I have one simple question to ask; Why or what makes a permit from New Hampshire so important? If your home state's CCW is accepted in 36 different states then why bother with a Non-Res. permit from NH?

I live in SC 5 miles from the Ga line, so it is very important for me to be able to carry in this state. I will pay the $100 because it is less hassle than the other states I have researched. No training courses or anything.
That happened about a year ago. I may not get my out of state permit renewed because of it, since NH is an open carry carry state. I'm up in the air on it....I have until Decembe until I have to renew.