Read the horror stories section in the guns & ammo. There's not an issue where some shmuck with a "9" shot a guy 15 times and the guy kept coming.
Being a "zippy" fast round the 9mm FMJ penetrates about the same as the slow 45.
I'm sure the 9mm is better than a .25, but in a real combat situation, I might not get but one shot. paper targets at the range stand there and let you empty the clip. If I might o nly get 1 or 2 shots, I want them to be as devastating as possible.
There's also not a case where a guy with a 9mm shot a guy twice in the head and he kept coming.
When both of these rounds are fired into calibrated 10% ballistic gelatin, 124-gr. Speer 9mm Gold Dot averages about 13" penetration and expands to approximately .57". The 230-gr. 45 ACP Gold Dot averages approximately 13.5 - 14" and expands to .70". I didn't go to college or nuthin, but ".57" seems a bit smaller than ".70", not 10,000 of an inch.
Well, according to the ballistic data for Winchester Ranger ammo, their 9mm +P round expands to .7 while the 45 +P expands to .79 in gelatin so that's actually a difference of 900 of an inch, I rounded to 1000 and accidentally typed 10,000 for some reason.
Oh and thanks for the snide, "I didn't go to college or nuthin" remark, fairly immature there bub. I think a more politely worded correction would have sufficed.
So far as "impact", a 9mm Remington 147-gr. Golden Saber averages about 1030 ft/sec. The 45 ACP 230-gr. Golden Saber averages about 870 ft/sec. Ask yourself, would you rather get t-boned by a slow moving tractor trailer or a fast moving Pinto?
I would rather get hit by nothing, that's why I shoot to stop the threat's ability to function. Besides, "knock down power" is a myth.
In order of importance;
Bullet construction
Muzzle energy
If we go by muzzle energy, since it's the force that "knocks down" people.
9 mm 115g +P Energy 437 ft lbs
45 230g Energy 495 ft lbs (I couldn't find a result for a +P)
For a point of reference, once when I was at a carnival I punched one of those punching machines and managed 350 ft lbs, so a 9mm hits with 87 more ft lbs and the 45 hits with 145 more ft lbs than I can punch someone and I'm 6' and 190 lbs. Does it sound like I could take anyone off their feet with one punch that they are expecting, unless they fall for fear of being hit again, even if my punch was 42% stronger? Nope. Does it sound like I can stop someone from shooting me back just by hitting them with a larger round? Definitely a nope
AND by the way, this is why you hear the stories on CNN and FOX news where the cops (with "9's") shot some guy 32 times. Cause they knew they had to to stop him.
It's far more complex than just the caliber of the bullet used. Most people, LEOs included, fire in "panic" mode and in the process empty their clips regardless of the threat level posed by the target. Then you figure the possible math into it, these people aren't psychically connected so no one knows how many each has fired, just three LEOs can empty 2/3 of a clip or so and approximately achieve your arbitrary number of 32 and it all happens in seconds.
Basically, a 45 is no more effective than a 9 if one is shot in the head or heart and that takes marksmanship not ballistics. Train more and quit relying on a round to compensate by forcing a rapid blood pressure drop. That takes time and they can still shoot back, something I'm trying to stop in the first place.
Oh and I emailed my shooting partner about this and this was his opinion on the matter and I QUOTE,
"shoot 'im in tha' head"...(quote taken from badguy from the movie blankman....alley scene when they discover blankmans' suit is bullet proof"....fact: a 45 has much higher recoil and takes twice as long to realign followup shot....fact:i can control the recoil of my 9mm to almost nothing.....fact: if i doubletap with black talons into your chest and i can hit you 3 more times before your corpse hits the ground you wouldn't know whether you got shot with a 9mm or a .45....fact: blood pouring from a .6-.7 inch hole will kill the fuck out of someone...(let alone 2,3,4 or 5 holes) ....fact: i become completely distracted if i suddenly get a 1/16th inch splinter in my finger let alone a fucking bullet in my body....fact: FMJ is for the paper at the range and badassmuthafukkin hollow points are for self defense.....fact: it doesnt matter if it is a 9mm or .45 it matters who gets hit first...practice, practice, practice...fact: fuck your .45.......send this to him courtesy of me,,...
He's a little more forward than I am....
Oh and for your viewing, WARNING NOT WORK OR KID FRIENDLY
YouTube- 9mm to the head = your dead'll do the same thing from 21 feet.
Did anyone here ever hear the story of the LEO that shot an obese man with a 357 5 times and ends up dead from a shot with a .25?
Now I'm postulating that the reason the LEO only fired 5 shots is because that's all his revolver held, higher capacity is better. Sure he could have reloaded, but it doesn't sound like he had time or the presence of mind to do so. Granted the guy got a lucky shot because of the vest, but he faced off against a larger caliber handgun and prevailed. The scumbag deserved far worse than life in prison, but I digress.
You do your job and the bullet will do it's.
atluga1, If you want my opinion, get a quality 9mm. Personally I suggest a Taurus PT92 with Winchester Ranger (RA9TA) in a 127 grain or preferably a 147 grain but I am having trouble finding it. The firearm is solid and well built, it feels good in my hands and the stainless steel version is just downright pretty. Load that up with 15-19 rounds, depending on clip size. Practice your marksmanship, standing AND running. Practice with a partner with a chronograph using audible signals to draw to improve your times, firing two shots. Get good at center mass shots and then work up to head sized shot placement. Practice, practice and practice some more and you will be a force to be reckoned with.