New from SC


New member
Charleston, specifically.

Just completed my CWP course on Saturday at Bass Pro Shop. Application will be sent tomorrow with all data. Pretty excited. I own a Springfield XD-40, 4" service in OD Green and it will soon be on my belt. For now, at home with 180gr hollow points. Anywho, I've been reading quite a bit on this site and I've learned alot already. There's much to think about before carrying... must be part of the reason for the 90-120 day wait.

Glad to be here.

edit: obviously I haven't been reading the "New Welcomes" thread about posting in the sticky, not starting a new thread... how do I delete again?
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Welcome General from Chesterfield, SC. Enjoy your stay!

Not sure where you got the 120 wait thing from. 90 days is 90 days. Its the law. Of course the AG might say thats 90 business days. I dont think so though since everyone I know has gotten theirs within 90 actual days.

for clarification... Here ya go:
SECTION 23-31-215. Issuance of permits.

(C) SLED shall issue a written statement to an unqualified applicant specifying its reasons for denying the application within ninety days from the date the application was received; otherwise, SLED shall issue a concealable weapon permit.

It does not specify business days or holidays or other days that may be a factor but says 90 days period.
In fact just under (C) which I have copied here, it says that the permit can be revoked if something comes up after the permit is issued in the 90 day period.

So... as I read it. 90 days is 90 days. Furthermore, the 90 days starts when they receive the application so I will take this as when they cash the check which for me was exactly 2 days after I mailed the app. Same for my wife who mailed hers a week before me. So, they obviously cash the checks the day they get it or the day after they get it.
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88 days from check cashed to SC CWP arrival

I received my SC CWP today. Today was 88 days after my check was cashed and 95 days from the date I mailed the application. I would plan on it running close to the full 90 days based upon my experience.
I received my SC CWP today. Today was 88 days after my check was cashed and 95 days from the date I mailed the application. I would plan on it running close to the full 90 days based upon my experience.

Like I said. Its gonna be 90 or less from the day they cash the check. Thats the law.
Our instructor (Horry County cop) said 90 - 120 days. But I hope you're right. Expect the worst, hope for the best, right? Thanks for the welcomes.
Welcome to the board.
Going to take my CWP class today along with my brother in law and father in law here in Horry County! Kinda excited. Guess I better get the application out Friday so I can get it back in a decent time.

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