too old to run.
NEW YORK: New York State Senate May Consider Numerous Anti-Gun Bills! While last day of session was set for Monday, June 22, the Senate returned to Albany to act on unfinished business. Law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen should stay tuned, as numerous anti-gun measures were pending action when the Senate leadership battle commenced and they could be taken up at any time. To learn more about these bills, please click here.
Registration Scheme Postponed Once Again in Albany County On Monday, June 22, the Albany County Law Committee once again postponed Local Law "A" until next month's meeting on Monday, July 27. Local Law "A" would require that a valid firearms license be shown when purchasing ammunition in Albany County. The law would also mandate that retailers keep a record of all ammunition sales, including the type, caliber, and quantity of the ammunition, the make, model and serial number of the firearm it is for, as well as the purchaser's name and address. Please contact the members of the Law Committee IMMEDIATELY and voice your opposition to Local Law "A." Contact information for the members of the Law Committee can be found here.
From NRA, newsletter.
Registration Scheme Postponed Once Again in Albany County On Monday, June 22, the Albany County Law Committee once again postponed Local Law "A" until next month's meeting on Monday, July 27. Local Law "A" would require that a valid firearms license be shown when purchasing ammunition in Albany County. The law would also mandate that retailers keep a record of all ammunition sales, including the type, caliber, and quantity of the ammunition, the make, model and serial number of the firearm it is for, as well as the purchaser's name and address. Please contact the members of the Law Committee IMMEDIATELY and voice your opposition to Local Law "A." Contact information for the members of the Law Committee can be found here.
From NRA, newsletter.