New Bill being introduced-LRB 2036


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Firearms Freedom Act LRB 2036 (received from WI Gun Owners)
The bill – LRB 2036 – would make it illegal for any local or state law enforcement officer to carry out orders from a federal mandate to restrict magazines or other firearm accessories or types and amounts of ammo in your possession.

And it would make it a crime for any state official to carry out federal gun confiscation orders here in Wisconsin.

Right now LRB 2036 is being circulated for cosponsors. We need as many legislators as possible to sign on as supporters.
This legislation is an important safeguard for Badger State gun owners. It’s also a bold reaffirmation of states’ rights as a deterrent against federal gun control.
Resident in the Misquito state to your west. I like the idea! Guessing MN would get lots of support for this as well. Great bill!
The skeeters are HORRIBLE here as well. Worst I've seen. Bad year for ticks as too. Yes, I was very happy to see this. Now we just need to get it passed. I hope your skeeter state follows suit.
After reading posts like this I can see why we are losing more and more of our freedoms. Most of the people on here try to defend the second amendment yet trample on the rest of the constitution. You can't just legislate against laws that congress pass at a state level. You need to talk to your Congressmen when they vote to restrict your rights. Some states still have laws of $3 an hour for minimum wage but they have to follow the Federal law. States can make laws more stringent but not the other way around. During the 60's the states tried this with desegregation and you see how well that worked for them. If the law enforcement won't follow the laws, they will bring in troops. If you don't think this can and will happen then try to read about desegregation in the 60's in the South. We need to make sure our congressmen are getting the word and quit thinking we can legislate our way around it.
At least this is a start. Its better to try, then sit around and do nothing at all. I get what you're saying, but please try not to damper people standing up for our rights. Negativity doesn't get anyone, anywhere.
No ignorance doesn't get anyone anywhere. We spout off about the Constitution but there is more to it than the 2nd amendment. You need to understand the whole document. If you think I'm negative what kind of effect will it have when the courts tell these states the laws they are making are unconstitutional. The liberals try to tear down the constitution and we can't even have a conversation with them because some of us only know the 2nd amendment. So be positive and waste time on unconstitutional laws so you can keep smiling while the liberals are writing laws at the federal level to take away your rights. Maybe we ought to focus on fighting the front there instead of where it don't exist.
You're missing the point. Yes the libs are trying to tear down the Constitution. We all know that. So why tear down something that fights back even at the state level. If we all fight back at the state level it can work it's way up. We're all on the same side here, let's all work together. The "president" doesn’t give a ***** about the Constitution, that's Very obvious. So we need to fight back at EVERY, level.
You're missing the point. Yes the libs are trying to tear down the Constitution. We all know that. So why tear down something that fights back even at the state level. If we all fight back at the state level it can work it's way up. We're all on the same side here, let's all work together. The "president" doesn’t give a ***** about the Constitution, that's Very obvious. So we need to fight back at EVERY, level.

These laws protect local and state LEO's from prosecution at the state level, not persecution by the federal LEO's. So while JHorton71 is correct on the federal level, your neighbor and friends who are local, county and state LEO's are less apt to enforce a locally unpopular federal law, or maybe the southern California experience with ID checks and illegal immigrants is an abnormal phenomenon.
At least you can hammer your reluctant (Federal) Legislators over the head and say "We've passed this. Are you going to stand with us, or are you going to move to California when you are voted out of office?"