Nevada parolee threatening my firearms ownership

Sure you have recourse.

Ooooh, just thought of a third option... you could move out if the gf insists that her son stay there.

Yes this is your best option until the son leaves mommys house.

OR look into an apartment that you and the GF can pay for, for the son.
This may be Nevada law. The parole officer has almost unlimited authority. If the kid was convicted in Nevada of a state felony then Nevada law controls. If the parole office says no firearms within the home then no firearms within the home. That is how simple it is. Now perhaps the OP can go to the parole board and see if they can change the terms of parole, or perhaps petition the governors office. The federal law does not trump state law with regard to the states rights to determine parole terms for a state offense.

Just spoke to an attorney and he informed me it's not Nevada State Law but more of a Department policy meaning it's up to the Parole Officer. Some allow firearms if properly locked away after inspection and some do not. It's a luck of the draw thing.
I faced the same situation a year and a half ago. My gun (and our alcohol) went next door to my in-laws. (We were here first.) My stepson got a job, which he still has, and a few months later got his own place. I got my gun back and now have my ccw permit with the support of my wife. Anyone in the same situation needs to make the best decision for them. Each situation will be slightly different.
He's 21 and mature enough to go to prison. He can be paroled to a half-way house or shelter. He's an adult. He's not your problem. It's your girlfriend who needs to choose between you and her son. Damn, I feel like Dear Abbey :eek:
Some years back I allowed a niece to stay with us until she got on her feet after drug rehab. She was also on probation for a drug charge. The probation officer met with me regarding firearms in the home. I advised her my firearms are all under lock and key and invited her to come to my home and see for herself. She didn't care to inspect. She did several home visits for probation and never asked about the guns again. On a side note, my niece relapsed. One evening she came home drunk and high and went ballistic when my wife asked her about it. Police had to remove her as she threatened to harm herself. She went back to rehab for 90 days and then to jail for 6 months for violating probation for the fourth time. That was in 2010. I never saw her again. She had been doing so well. I had her enrolled in college and she seemed to be gaining ground. I've heard she's a heavy drug and alcohol user and living in a nearby town. You can never tell who will re-offend. You can't help someone who can't help themselves. Only so much you can do.
He's 21 and mature enough to go to prison. He can be paroled to a half-way house or shelter. He's an adult. He's not your problem. It's your girlfriend who needs to choose between you and her son.

Since the original thread was over a year old before being resurrected, I'm guessing her decision is pretty final by now... :-)
Sure you have recourse. Keep them and let the son stay in jail. It sounds like you are having more of an issue with his mom than with the parole officer. The parole officer sounds like he is saying he won't release your gf's son to your residence. Great, let him live somewhere else. That's a second optional recourse. No where in your account did I hear you say the parole officer is forcing you to disarm, he just won't release him to an address that has firearms in it.

You are the one assuming you must get rid of your guns.

Your question is now whether having your guns and the ability to protect yourself and your family is more important than having your gf's son stay with you while he is on parole.

Ooooh, just thought of a third option... you could move out if the gf insists that her son stay there.
Is it your house or hers, renting? this means a lot, you obviously care for your girl, but I'm afraid your going to have to make a choice, I face a similar situation a few years ago concerning my brother and of course my mom who asked in the first place,.........nether my mom or brother have spoken to us, wife, myself, daughter, granddaughter in 7 years, it wasn't just the guns, I would not trust my brother to take out the trash, he would dump the garbage and probably try to pawn the cans,
He's 21 and mature enough to go to prison. He can be paroled to a half-way house or shelter. He's an adult. He's not your problem. It's your girlfriend who needs to choose between you and her son. Damn, I feel like Dear Abbey :eek:
Some years back I allowed a niece to stay with us until she got on her feet after drug rehab. She was also on probation for a drug charge. The probation officer met with me regarding firearms in the home. I advised her my firearms are all under lock and key and invited her to come to my home and see for herself. She didn't care to inspect. She did several home visits for probation and never asked about the guns again. On a side note, my niece relapsed. One evening she came home drunk and high and went ballistic when my wife asked her about it. Police had to remove her as she threatened to harm herself. She went back to rehab for 90 days and then to jail for 6 months for violating probation for the fourth time. That was in 2010. I never saw her again. She had been doing so well. I had her enrolled in college and she seemed to be gaining ground. I've heard she's a heavy drug and alcohol user and living in a nearby town. You can never tell who will re-offend. You can't help someone who can't help themselves. Only so much you can do.

Sad but true.

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Since it’s been a year and new posts have arrived I felt I should post the outcome. The house is mine and paid for free and clear and yes my girlfriend is a keeper. After some soul searching and absorbing all the advice of forum members I decided to stand firm and keep my guns. My girlfriend finally agreed. Nothing is worth giving up the ability to protect my family. I have a grandson who is now four years old and comes to our home 2 days a week for us to watch while my daughter works and I did not want that POS here. Things have gotten physical between us in the past.
He was released last October to his grandmother’s (my girlfriends mother) house. He was instructed to never come to my house. He proceeded to knock up an eighteen year old girl who has since given birth this October. His probation was over in May and his true colors came out and this time my girlfriend saw it too. He demanded that we take in him and his girlfriend and when I refused he became violent. Drugs have taken over his life again. Neither of us wants anything to do with him anymore. He thinks he is punishing us by not letting us see the baby (you notice I didn’t refer to the baby as our grandson) and we don’t care. We do hope that his "girlfriend" has enough sense to hopefully dump him and take care of the baby properly. Welfare now has three new recipients but I believe that number will drop by one since it’s only a matter of time before he becomes a ward of the state again.
I would like to take this time to thank all of the forum member replies. God Bless all of you.

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