I think I mentioned this on another post quite a while back. Around 1972 0r 73, don't remember for sure, I had a similar incident happen to me. I had been to the range early in the day and one of my firearms that I was shooting, a Colt Detective, was having a problem with the cylinder not turning. I took it home and cleaned it and it seemed to work fine after that. Later that evening while driving I exited the freeway and was stopped at a light in a not so good part of town. I decided to see if the gun was working o.k. I cocked back the hammer and let it down slowly. I guess not slow enough because it fired and ended up with an entrance and exit wound very much like in the picture. I first thought I just felt powder burns until the blood begin to flow. I drove myself to the E.R. at the county hospital where I worked the day shift. When I walked up and told them why I was there they thought I was pulling a joke until I showed them my leg. the doctor on duty cleaned out the wounds and put in a drain which was removed about a week later. As bad as it was it could have been a lot worse if I had hit the artery. Believe me when I tell you that I learned a very important lesson that day the hard way.