Is there anyplace on the net that has a list of the states that require you to notify police you have a permit & are armed when stopped.
I will be taking a trip soon through 7 states & would like to find the info in one place rather then go to each states home page & try to find the gun laws there.
Added by lukem
There is a section "Informing Law Enforcement of Carry" on each state's information. The ones blank are the one I could not find any info on and are the same ones other sites have blank.
I will be taking a trip soon through 7 states & would like to find the info in one place rather then go to each states home page & try to find the gun laws there.
Added by lukem
There is a section "Informing Law Enforcement of Carry" on each state's information. The ones blank are the one I could not find any info on and are the same ones other sites have blank.
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