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I have asked this in a few other posts here but still haven't received an adequate answer. I want to get my Nevada Non Resident CCL. I will be in Vegas next year for the annual DAV convention in August. Here are my questions. How long is the course required by law to apply for the license? What should I expect to pay? Who are the instructors in the area that I can contact about possibly taking a class through them? Does anybody offer a discount for disabled veterans?. A local training academy says that I must first take a 2 day class as a prerequisite for the CCW class and the CCW class costs $500. Is this just their marketing or is this standard for NV as far as length and costs?
Here is a link to a list of approved ccw instructors from the Washoe County Sheriff site (Northern NV, Reno). Link Removed You can call some of them for prices. As I recall they range from around $75 to $100. Probably better to pursue your non-resident ccw from one of the rural Nevada counties (not Clark or Washoe) as the bigger more urban counties seem to take much longer to process permits. A ccw from any Nevada county is good for the whole state but be aware that Clark County (greater Las Vegas) has additional regulations regarding handguns if you are in the county for a prolonged period of time.

Here is the link to the Washoe County Sheriff CCW page: Washoe County Sheriff's Office - Northern Nevada's Full Service Law Enforcement Agency I live in Washoe County but I have heard that Douglas County (just south of Carson City) is a good county to apply for and process non-resident & resident CCWs.

Hope that helps.
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You can take the class and qualify the same day, but it may be easier to qualify the day before or after. Schedule the class in advance because they fill up. The class is free, the paperwork is free, if you have your own firearm you only pay for ammo, or you can rent one of theirs. As of 10/2013 you only need to qualify with either a revolver or a semi and it covers you for both. There are no longer serial numbers on the permit either. First time class is all day, refresh is half day. Then take paperwork to police headquarters at Martin Luther King and Alta for fingerprints and permit paperwork/pic, they will send you the permit. With the class you can also get paperwork for Utah, no extra charge. Just get fingerprints and send everything to Utah along with passport pic/$$ and they will send you permit.

Hope that clears things up for you. You can call The Gun Store as well for more answers/clarification.
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You can take the class and qualify the same day, but it may be easier to qualify the day before or after. Schedule the class in advance because they fill up. The class is free, the paperwork is free, if you have your own firearm you only pay for ammo, or you can rent one of theirs. As of 10/2013 you only need to qualify with either a revolver or a semi and it covers you for both. There are no longer serial numbers on the permit either. First time class is all day, refresh is half day. Then take paperwork to police headquarters at Martin Luther King and Alta for fingerprints and permit paperwork/pic, they will send you the permit. With the class you can also get paperwork for Utah, no extra charge. Just get fingerprints and send everything to Utah along with passport pic/$$ and they will send you permit.

Hope that clears things up for you. You can call The Gun Store as well for more answers/clarification.

Thanks Jeff. I just chatted with someone from there and got some good info. It sounds like the shooting academy that I had mentioned has a great marketing dept. From having to take a 2 day prerec course followed by the $500 CCL class there, to a free class @ the Gun Store with the only cost stemming from the ammo you must buy there ($50 since I will qual with a revolver as well as a semi) is a big difference and I guess I know which class I will be taking when the time comes.
You can get out even cheaper. Just qualify with a .22, cheaper ammo. If you only qualify with a revolver it covers you for both revolver and semis, or qualify with a semi and it covers you for both revolver and semi. Probably cost $20.
Jumping in late. The Gun Store has the free CCW class -- I've paid them for this class twice, years ago, and I applaud their making it free. Thank you, Bob Irwin!! :pleasantry:

You cannot qualify using a .22, either revolver or pistol, because the Range is lead free and allows only jacketed frangible ammo, and they don't have it in .22. (I am confused -- this is what they say, but they do have a .22 shooting package for kids. So there seems to be a conflict.)

But the ammo for standard calibers is only $25 for the 36 rounds you fire to qualify. ($30 for .45 ACP.) If you need to rent a gun, that is only another $10 or so. No charge for the range use for the qualification, no charge for the class. And as Jeff said, you can qualify with a revolver or a pistol. You don't need both any more!

I don't know if you can take the full day class, qualify and still get to Metro in time to get fingerprinted and photographed, all in one day. I don't know if you can do it in one day even if you pre-qualify (that is, do the range work the day before). I just don't know how quickly you can get to Metro after the class and when Metro locks the doors.
You cannot qualify using a .22, either revolver or pistol, because the Range is lead free and allows only jacketed frangible ammo, and they don't have it in .22. (I am confused -- this is what they say, but they do have a .22 shooting package for kids. So there seems to be a conflict.)

I don't know if you can take the full day class, qualify and still get to Metro in time to get fingerprinted and photographed, all in one day. I don't know if you can do it in one day even if you pre-qualify (that is, do the range work the day before). I just don't know how quickly you can get to Metro after the class and when Metro locks the doors.

I qualified with a .22 at my last renewal in May/June 2012. They may have changed it since then however. I would think they would have to let you qual with a .22 if that 'is' what you are going to 'carry':yes4::dance3:. They won't know what all you plan on carrying. Maybe a .22 is what you prefer.

As far as getting everything done in one day, it doesn't look good. I believe the full day class is 9-6 and I believe that Metro locks up at 4:30 or 5:stop:.
The average price of the class if you go through anyone that charges is about $75. If anyone charges significantly more and you have received other training, I'd think about going elsewhere. The initial class is 8 hours (a full day) with range qualification. You now can qualify with any semi-auto, revolver or one or two round derringer and be qualified to carry all three. Renewal class is 4 hours with range qualification. It's possible do to the renewal in one day, but not the initial.

You will have to apply for the permit in person at one of the LVMPD Fingerprint Bureaus which also house the CCW Detail. We had a major snafu with fingerprints back in fall 2009. If for whatever reason there's a problem with your fingerprints you will most likely have to return to Las Vegas to have them redone in person.

A caveat about the Gun Store. Their range qualification course exceeds the state minimum course mandated by the Nevada Sheriff's and Chief's Association.

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