Need advice on a Bow


New member
I have hunted rifle, shotgun, and crossbow but I want to get some more time in the field and I am looking to get my first real bow. In my teens I found a broken compound bow, "fixed" it and lost a bunch of arrows. I don't have much bow experience at all, but I have scoured the interweb to learn as much as I can. Right now I am debating either getting a older bow off ebay and fixing it up or just getting one of the "ready to shoot" packages from Bass Pro and letting them set it up right. It would be about $200 more for the new bow. The 3 new bows I am looking at are the Martin Sabre, Redhead Kronik, and the Bear Lights out. All are about $380 including sights, quiver, rest, and silencers.

I have seen some used Jennings bows for around $100-200 on ebay usually with accessories.

Need some input. Just hate to drop 4 bills on a bow and then suck.
PSE, Matthews and Martin are brands I'm familiar with. You could check out a store that has an indoor range with bows that they'll let you try before you buy. I stay away from used bows unless I know the seller and trust that it hasn't been dry fired. If the bow has limbs that were damaged due to dry firing, serious injury could result.

Get a starter BOW you can hunt with & a mess of arrows TUNE your bow & shoot it often . When you hunt with the bow YOU owe it to the animal too make a GOOD shot and QUICK KILL GOOD LUCK & ONLY SHOT WITHIN THE RANGE YOU ARE COMFTABLE WITH ; ) T/Y/D
Don't buy used unless you gan shoot it first

I have hunted rifle, shotgun, and crossbow but I want to get some more time in the field and I am looking to get my first real bow. In my teens I found a broken compound bow, "fixed" it and lost a bunch of arrows. I don't have much bow experience at all, but I have scoured the interweb to learn as much as I can. Right now I am debating either getting a older bow off ebay and fixing it up or just getting one of the "ready to shoot" packages from Bass Pro and letting them set it up right. It would be about $200 more for the new bow. The 3 new bows I am looking at are the Martin Sabre, Redhead Kronik, and the Bear Lights out. All are about $380 including sights, quiver, rest, and silencers.

I have seen some used Jennings bows for around $100-200 on ebay usually with accessories.

Need some input. Just hate to drop 4 bills on a bow and then suck.

Used bows are bad juju. I have seen a lot of dudes snookered into get a bow that had cracked arms and the like. DO NOT BUY A USED BOW UNLESS YOU CAN INSPECT IT AND SHOOT IT IN THE PRESENCE OF A BOW HUNTING PROFESSIONAL!

Thanks guys, I was just really tempted to get a used bow.
Looks like some of my christmas bonus(fingers crossed) :cray:will get used on a new bow.
Definately try and find a place that will let you shoot before you buy. I went to our local scheels sporting goods and the salesman there had me shoot like 4 different bows (all about the same price range), to find which one I felt the most comfortable with. Then when I found one I liked, he fine tuned it just for me, (draw length, and pull weight), and helped me sight it in for 10 yds (the length of their range).

The guy also spent a whole lot of time answering my questions, and showing me the ins and outs of the bow. Overall I would recomend this as the way to go, esp for a new shooter.
Soryy about being a little slow to answer, I'm a tad behind in my reading.
I shoot a Parker. A little less money but as good as a Mathews. Hoyt, Bear, Diamond, and Bowtech are also excellent.

The Web site called Hunters Friend
Hunter's Friend, the Bowhunter's Pro-Shop ... Discount Compound Bows and Archery Supplies
have good prices for packages. Under their Tech help link are some very good tutorials on eye dominance and draw length questions.

Jes, The big box Toy Stores like Cabelas or Bass Pro, have indoor ranges and a pro shop. They may let you try out a variety of manufactures, including their brand name line of bows which are in most cases good...

Good luck
I bought a bear in 1997 and liked it a lot. sold it a few years back though. but if I decide to get another one I wouldn't mind getting another bear. good luck.
Go to your local archery shop and pick up a used bow. It will be all set up by the previous owner and be ready to go. There are plenty of 3 to 5 year old bows that will be cheap. It is nice to have the cost of sights, rest, stabiliser and quiver already added to the bow. Many times you will get arrows and hunting broadheads too. Then when you decide to stay with the sport move up to a new Mathews or Bowtec. So many of us bow shootes just have to have the latest hot bow out there. And with no market for our used stuff. It can be found cheap, may even do a internet search on used bows in your area. Do some research oh what draw leingth and weight you will want. Stay away fron high poundage bows. You can any of deer with a 60lb set up. Good Luck
bow hunting is one thing you can't just pick up and go shoot a deer with your best bet would be to go to a good hunting store and talk to the "expert" for the best bow and arrow combo. for me i shoot a martin hat-field take down recurve, with easton 2117 arrow. i would say shoot pre made arrows and get atleast two dozen to start with. shoot feild tips untell you get a good group at like 20 yards. but you'll want to start at a range of 5 yards and get 4 out of 5 arrows in a paper plate move back to ten yards and so on.
You need to ask yourself, how serious are you going to be with it? The technology changes every year, so there's always some good deals on used bows. I'd decide what I wanted and then look for it used. No matter how complicated and accessorized they get, you can still kill a deer with a stick and a string. Like with a gun, it's the shooter that counts. This is an example of proper stance and draw.

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You can get a BRAND NEW Bear Grizzly for $300.....great bow as are most other Bear bows, you can't go wrong. There are so many options out there, and I disagree with not buying a used bow. There are.some great deals in the classifieds and eBay.
You need to ask yourself, how serious are you going to be with it? The technology changes every year, so there's always some good deals on used bows. I'd decide what I wanted and then look for it used. No matter how complicated and accessorized they get, you can still kill a deer with a stick and a string. Like with a gun, it's the shooter that counts. This is an example of proper stance and draw.

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Yep great form!

Please find someone that has shot a lot to help you with form from the start. I work with youngsters in a bowhunting mentor program and can get them shooting well enough to hunt in 2 or 3 sessions. Form and follow thru are more important than the bow you choose, how one feels should determine brand, not who you talk to. Grips vary, but cam feel is just as important. Poundage is usually WAY more than is really needed. Most of our kids start wih 40-45 lbs and still blow thru most deer shot!
Right now I am debating either getting a older bow off ebay and fixing it up or just getting one of the "ready to shoot" packages from Bass Pro and letting them set it up right. It would be about $200 more for the new bow. The 3 new bows I am looking at are the Martin Sabre, Redhead Kronik, and the Bear Lights out. All are about $380 including sights, quiver, rest, and silencers.

I recommend the Redhead from Bass Pro. The trained specialists will assist you in deciding on the right bow, and set it up for you in the store. I'm thinking about getting started in bow hunting this fall. Also, I read that Missouri allows, or will soon allow carrying concealed while bow hunting.