National Park concealed carry restored


NRA Member
Concealed carry in National Parks which had been passed by the Bush Administration and the blocked by an injunction, issued by a Federal Judge, will be restored as soon as Obama signs the credit card bill that was passed today by the House:

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The House voted separately on the pro-gun Nat'l Parks carry Amendment which was introduced, and passed, in the Senate by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. Many thanks to Sen. Coburn, the GOA, and the NRA both of whom spearheaded this effort!
I read the text of the Coburn amandment, & it's not Concealed Carry, it is just (simply) carry (/possession) that will be allowed provided that carry is allowed in that state. But that creates some interesting situation. In Wyoming (YNP) you can not carry in a State Park. If the WY Legislature bans State Parks, what do you want to bet that during the next session they ban National Parks?? Guess you can still carry in the ID and MT portion of YNP. MT allows unlicensed CCW outside of city limits so you can CCW in GNP (& the MT portion of YNP). Florida does not allow Open Carry at all, so the only way you can carry in ENP is with a CHL that is honored in FL (same for Texas & BBNP - need a CHL). AZ is an OC state so I guess you can carry in GCNP , but you can't OC in MN unless you have a CHL that MN Honors, so VNP is probably out for many folks.:hang3:
Please do this! Let's keep it going!!!

Now, May I suggest that we keep the pressure on by Writing and Calling those who voted for the bill, regardless if they are dems or repubs, and THANK THEM for voting for the bill and to PLEASE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT GUN OWNERS AND THAT YOU WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THEM. Believe me, they will remember this when the Assault Weapons Bill or any other Gun Control bill comes along. Some of these people voted under heavy pressure from their fellow Democrats, and voted with the gun owners. Make sure they know you appreciate it. This is one thing that you can do to keep it going. Don't deviate from the subject and talk about other subjects. Tell them you visit National Parks and you appreciate the ability to carry with your CCW Permit and protect your family. Please do this.

I'm trying to contact the NRA-ILA right now and have them post it on the website. I will provide a link if it's done soon.
This is almost if not exactly the same as the previous National Parks deal where they followed state laws. That was the entire premise behind the carry that the law in the NP should follow state laws. I don't think it was ever intended to be either CC or OC just whatever the state allows.
This is almost if not exactly the same as the previous National Parks deal where they followed state laws. That was the entire premise behind the carry that the law in the NP should follow state laws. I don't think it was ever intended to be either CC or OC just whatever the state allows.

Not to argue, but the Change in Pilocy that went into effect 1/9/09 and was then "suspended" 3/19?/09 due to an injunction granted by a WDC Federal Judge, ONLY allowed CC, and of course you had to be "permitted" to CC in the state in which the Park / FWR was located.

Now having said that, I totally agree with you that "the entire premise should be that the law in the NP should follow state laws" and that is the way that it should be IMVHO.

Personally, I am much happier that I do not have to worrie about Printing or Showing, b/c the kinds of HG's that I will now be carring in the Back Country areas of YNP & GNP are NOT very easy to (completely) Conceal!
Not to argue, but the Change in Pilocy that went into effect 1/9/09 and was then "suspended" 3/19?/09 due to an injunction granted by a WDC Federal Judge, ONLY allowed CC, and of course you had to be "permitted" to CC in the state in which the Park / FWR was located.

Now having said that, I totally agree with you that "the entire premise should be that the law in the NP should follow state laws" and that is the way that it should be IMVHO.

Personally, I am much happier that I do not have to worrie about Printing or Showing, b/c the kinds of HG's that I will now be carring in the Back Country areas of YNP & GNP are NOT very easy to (completely) Conceal!

Thaks for the correction, I did not study either one closely so I was just going by rumors and posts on various boards. Once some guildelines are published then we will know exactly what is involved. I am just glad that something sensible did get through congress.
This won't go into effect for about 9 months, same as the credit card law.


In the meantime, I think that we should push to have the nonsensical injunction imposed by DC Judge Colleen Kotar-Kotelly "quashed". I have emailed the NRA-ILA and expressed my thoughts on this matter. If the injunction is lifted, then when the new law takes effect, you'll kind of have it both ways if you have a CCW. You'll be able to carry "as you like" within the limitations of the two laws. In the interim, if you have a CCW, you'll be able to carry until the new law takes effect which is February 2010.
Now, May I suggest that we keep the pressure on by Writing and Calling those who voted for the bill, regardless if they are dems or repubs, and THANK THEM for voting for the bill and to PLEASE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT GUN OWNERS AND THAT YOU WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THEM. Believe me, they will remember this when the Assault Weapons Bill or any other Gun Control bill comes along. Some of these people voted under heavy pressure from their fellow Democrats, and voted with the gun owners. Make sure they know you appreciate it. This is one thing that you can do to keep it going. Don't deviate from the subject and talk about other subjects. Tell them you visit National Parks and you appreciate the ability to carry with your CCW Permit and protect your family. Please do this.

I'm trying to contact the NRA-ILA right now and have them post it on the website. I will provide a link if it's done soon.

I agree.. don't let up on these people.. and give thanks where they are due.
So now I'm a bit confused. As of today 5/25/09 can we carry concealed in national parks, or can we not do so until Feb 2010? And if we can now, what is the restrictions? Thanks guys..
The law states that you can carry according to your state permit laws. If you live in an open carry state and have not been pinned to the ground for carrying that way yet, you can probably carry openly in the parks. If your state is an open carry state, but they enforce an open carry moritorium, then your luck may run out.

CT is officially an open carry state according to it's constitution, but try that once here and you will land face down in the dirt. The CT dept of Safety states that CT is NOT an open carry state, and they will enforce it even though this is in error.

Call the Parks Service of where to plan to carry and ask, then verify it with another agency. No sense in taking chances on your family's future with these convoluted rules.
So now I'm a bit confused. As of today 5/25/09 can we carry concealed in national parks, or can we not do so until Feb 2010? And if we can now, what is the restrictions? Thanks guys..

Read what I wrote above. I have written the NRA-ILA about getting the temporary injunction lifted. I received a reply from them and they are continuing in their efforts to do just that. If they are successful, you'll be able to carry concealed in National Parks if you have a CCW permit. If you don't have a permit, you'll have to wait until February 2010 when the new law goes into effect. After Feb 2010 you'll be able to carry openly or concealed as long as it's consistent with State Law in the State in which the Park or portion of the Park is located.
Read what I wrote above. I have written the NRA-ILA about getting the temporary injunction lifted. I received a reply from them and they are continuing in their efforts to do just that. If they are successful, you'll be able to carry concealed in National Parks if you have a CCW permit. If you don't have a permit, you'll have to wait until February 2010 when the new law goes into effect. After Feb 2010 you'll be able to carry openly or concealed as long as it's consistent with State Law in the State in which the Park or portion of the Park is located.

Actually I did read you previous post, as well as the full thread. But I was unclear as of where we were today. So I guess as of today, no carry in the parks until/unless we get an injunction with the NRA's help, or wait until 2/10.

1911 Headbanger
I think a thank you is most important and say you will remember reprsentation at voting time, they support Us we support them pretty simple, lots of folks forget thank you now days..
Concealed carry in National Parks which had been passed by the Bush Administration and the blocked by an injunction, issued by a Federal Judge, will be restored as soon as Obama signs the credit card bill that was passed today by the House:

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The House voted separately on the pro-gun Nat'l Parks carry Amendment which was introduced, and passed, in the Senate by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. Many thanks to Sen. Coburn, the GOA, and the NRA both of whom spearheaded this effort!

February, 2010 is the date we can CC on NPS lands.
1911 Headbanger
I think a thank you is most important and say you will remember reprsentation at voting time, they support Us we support them pretty simple, lots of folks forget thank you now days..

I agree and, right after it passed, I sent emails thanking my Senators and Congressman (all of whom voted for the bill) and also to the NRA and Gun Owners of America (GOA) thanking them as well for their tireless efforts in ensuring that the Coburn Amendment remained attached to the credit card bill.

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