Interesting that it hasn't been passed - any opinions on why? It seems it would eliminate so much nonsense - not to mention the victimization of decent, honest gunowners who trip over the various laws of thes states in (and through) which they travel
That's harsh, Rock. He just joined, and he's only asking a question.Lack of knowledge of laws is no excuse. If you cant keep up with a few laws you probably should not be carrying in the first place.
Interesting that it hasn't been passed - any opinions on why? It seems it would eliminate so much nonsense - not to mention the victimization of decent, honest gunowners who trip over the various laws of thes states in (and through) which they travel
Interesting that it hasn't been passed - any opinions on why? It seems it would eliminate so much nonsense - not to mention the victimization of decent, honest gunowners who trip over the various laws of thes states in (and through) which they travel
The biggest reason for it's failure is non-support by our representatives. Another reason is the states rights issue which comes up. This point should have no effect though because drivers and marriage licenses are accepted state to state. Another point of contention is the different requirements in each state. This should not be to difficult to overcome though.
That's harsh, Rock. He just joined, and he's only asking a question.
Now you want a National CCW permit issued and controled by the Federal Government. As an exercise take all the states and put them in order from most difficult to get a CCW right now to easiest. The Feds are not going to go to the Vermont or Alaska style but rather somewhere toward the majority. Remember this is going to have to pass the House and Senate.
National reciprocity would not be Fed controlled. It would be more like a drivers license where you would meet each states requirements to obtain a permit. Just as some states don't require formal drivers training some don't require firearms training. Once you get your states permit it would be accepted in all states. Therein is the problem. Some states do not allow concealed carry and some have no permit requirement. With national reciprocity you would have to adhere to the state laws you are visiting.
What the Feds SHOULD do is BAN CCWs, followed by reaffirming that no state shall in any way restrict the possession (open or concealed) of firearms. Don't hold your breath.A National CC permit seems like a National ID to me. Something the Feds should have no control over, ala 10th Amendment. The 2nd Amendment should be all that is needed, but I think we're all on the same page with that one.
Might make things easier, but do we really want the Feds involved in it? I would think that working on a State to State level to ensure better reciprocity would be a more desirable course?![]()
True, we do need to know the laws of the jurisdictions we pass through. That goes without saying. But that doesn't mean that the laws shouldn't be consistant throughout the country. His point was that it WOULD help keep the law abiding citizen from becoming a felon just because of a change in his geographical location. This is why there are statewide preemption laws, so that someone doesn't have a different set of rules from one town to the next. Granted, it is much easier to research the laws of a couple states than 20 or 30 cities, but the concept is the same. Regardless, 2A should be the Nationwide Preemption Law.Lack of knowledge of laws is no excuse. If you cant keep up with a few laws you probably should not be carrying in the first place. Currently states have many different requirements for carry and some states have nearly banned it. ...
Harsh? That's reality! What is harsh is what can happen to you if you dont take 30 minutes before your trip and learn the laws to keep you outa trouble. What is harsh is weapons charge in another state, loose your gun, spend the night in the pokey and then have a felony on your record and loose your right to own a gun.
Not to mention Lord Obama.It has not passed because we have to many Marxists in congress.