In NJ Can a property owner authorize someone to concealed carry their property without a permit? I think i saw something similar to this in the kentucky gun laws and i'm wondering if it is the case in NJ. (i'm not holding my breath though)
In NJ Can a property owner authorize someone to concealed carry their property without a permit? I think i saw something similar to this in the kentucky gun laws and i'm wondering if it is the case in NJ. (i'm not holding my breath though)
Kentucky and New Jersey are gun law wise quite far away from each other, like Kentucky being the United States and New Jersey being Soviet Russia. Read the Possession section and the Carrying section at NRA-ILA | New Jersey Gun Laws. In short, the answer is no.
If you check the section of this site that deals with concealed carry permission you will see that in New Jersey, the Chief of Police or Suprintendant of the State Police are te only ones that can issue permission the conceal carry in New Jersey. Not landowners.