N. Korea threatens massive Nuke attack


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Has he not done the math? Our Nukes outnumber his 10 to 1 or more
He doesn't need to worry about the math. Our current Administration in D.C. does not have the guts to retaliate with our nukes. They will just protest and t ell them that they are being bad. We are in a bad position if anyone decides to become agressive. Washington probably just ordered a million white flags.
Actually the 4 star there had retaliatory authority and at present I would hazard that there are no less than 40 cruse missiles with tactical nukes aimed to fly up his ass within a seconds notice...

As to nuke N the south unless he is totally stupid any thing he does there the prevailing winds would blow all the fallout right back at him....
the other prob

is the chinese and soviet response to any retaliatory strike we make. better go load up the big gun.
Actually the 4 star there had retaliatory authority

You mean we have Generals who can launch nuclear retaliatory strikes without Presidential authorization? I had no idea. If this is so, it actually makes me feel a little bit safer. I'd hate to have to count on Obama to make the decision.

There are a lot of rumors floating around that their leader is sick and dying and might want to go out with a bang. Too bad political assassinations are illegal.
is the chinese and soviet response to any retaliatory strike we make. better go load up the big gun.

Chinese need our business can you say capitalism, and the Russians our food, they would stay out of it if he were to make the first strike... There is a whole not more in this story than in past confilicts. Heck Russia may just nuke him them self, they have always wanted to drop one in that part of the country...

The bozo is just posturing like the little kid with a huge ego....
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea vowed Saturday to "weaponize" all its plutonium and threatened military action against the United States and its allies.

How many other wolves are circling now that they smell the weakness in the USA.

Remember Obama promised to reduce our nuculer arselnal, and other will follow suit.

Ya Right! What a Dope.
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