My Son's GF...


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Although just "good friends" My youngest at 22 N this girl age 21 that happens to be a friend went out and about the other day, one stop was at the local mall, "Lakeview Square" in Battle Creek. Both have their CCW she carries some feather weight semi 9MM.

Well to get to the gist of the story she went to the bathroom while at the mall (bet you can guess the rest of this story) and left her gun behind....
He is driving her home when she has a OH SH>> moment and back to the mall they go.

Nope in in the stall, so off to security they go, and they are in luck the security guard has it, someone turned it in. Now the bad news, the security guard wants her arrested, seems they have this sign that is about 12" off the ground level in lettering so small I would need my reading glasses, "no knifes, guns or illegal weapons" N I have looked for such a sign and never seen one.

The security guard wants her arrested... that is when my son called me very worried.

I told him that the sign is not of legal size and does not apply to her with a CCW not to sweat it and let to police take care of it when they get there. If there is a problem I have Jim Simmons # on my cell.
Also I told him not to sweat it, the security guard has no authority and if he refuses to turn over the gun have him arrested, and if he gets too nasty remind him that I spend more in that place than he makes a year.

Well basically the police did what I expected, they ran the gun to make sure it was not stolen, gave her a short lecture about leaving her gun behind, (so did I, kid could have found it, crack head could have found it, etc), and returned it to her, end of story.

Yes he is very embarrassed about this as it is his good friend this happened to, so no names, but just a lesson to be learned here....

When you CCW it has to be a way of life, every time and I mean every time I sit down and when I stand back up I always and I mean always pat myself down.
Check list...
Gun in holster...
Mag in gun...
Mag pouch intact and on belt...
tactical knife....
Pepper spray...
tactical light...
car keys...
shirt down covering....
if yes to all above we are good to go, and all this only takes less than 5 seconds and gives a lot of peace of mind...

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