Thanks for the concerns. That one makes 3 in 6 months. All a product of Blue-Hairs. They started my downhill slide.
1) 1st week of may - lil old lady turns left in front of us
2) next day - told we have 1 month to get out - friend wants to fix up house to sell
3) 1 wk after - took blood to work, girls in lab ran it - we are pregnant
4) 2 wks later, blue hair reaching for a fish sandwich goes left of center, wiping out my truck, trailer, and most of my furniture. ( fight w/ insurance companies suck bad !)
5) finally forced out mid June. now living w/ 3 dogs, 1 cat in a 35' 5th wheel camper
6) finally find house we love, place bid, guy backs out at last second because he now is getting divorced after 4 months marraige, and needs the house back
7) 1 wk later, wreck #3. blue hair hits me at a dead stop on the freeway. -
this now makes every vehicle we own that I have drive this year being in an acccident - what are the odds, eh?
Just as the song states - " I am the man, of constant sorrow... all through my days."
LOL - I try and look back and laugh. It is a little difficult at times. I DO want to take all the "depressed" people I see at work for psych eval's and sit them down, tell them my story, and tell them to get lost and come back when you have real troubles. I keep my head up, laces tight, and keep trucking. Nothig else to do.
But, that is how life is. Thanks for all your concerns, it will get better.. eventually. what a saga for my lil one that's comin' soon.
...................peace all, mot