My Newest Home Seccurity Sign

I have a 6' fence in the back of my property and 2 Beware of Dog Signs. I have 2 Pitbulls and if your dumb enough to scale a 6ft fence with those signs you deserve to be treated like a chew toy. There is no sign on the front door.

If someone were to break in I highly doubt I could be sued for them getting attacked sign or no sign.

With the beware of dogs signs you are admitting that you have viscous dogs. That is not a problem and is a warning for anone breaking in etc. However if the dogs should happen for some reason to get out then is where the signs become a liability. It would aslo become a liability if a three year-old who can't read gets into your yard. As long as the dogs stay inside the yard and children stay out you are fine. I wa involved in one case where a 10 year-old climbed up a tree and jumped over a 9' high wall to retrieve a ball out of a electical vault with signs and locks all over it. Since the power company didn't also have a top on it they paid out $1,000,000 plus medical expenses to him.
It would also become a liability if a three year-old who can't read gets into your yard.

I disagree there. If by some miracle that happened how am I legally responsible? Now we are not talking an open door to my gate or something. A beware of dog sign is not an admission of viciousness it's a warning to the lowest common denominator at least in my case.

My dogs are not people aggressive by the way. They are well balanced I have no doubt they would fight to the death for their family.
Very nice!! Hopefully the picture is worth a thousand languages. Here in Orlando the cops are pretty much happy with the results of residents taking out the trash for them. It's nearly getting ot the point of them pattin you on the back for it.
I'm new here and I'm not sure if this has been posted before,so please forgive me if it has. This one's for those of us who live next door to hippies.
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Hi guys,I'm new here and I'm not sure if this was posted already,please forgive me if it has.This one's for those of us who live next door to hippies.
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... I'm new here and I'm not sure if this has been posted before,so please forgive me if it has. This one's for those of us who live next door to hippies.


Ha! That's great! :)

to the original poster..... great sign. I notice the humanoid figure is exposing his back. I would not be too quick to shoot a home intruder in the back, unless he is in the act of kidnapping. Many District Attorneys will prosecute for shooting a fleeing burglar under the no threat doctrine.
:laugh: I like it! I used to put a empty .40 brass case in a couple of windows that were easily accessible so they could been seen by a would be intruder. Have no Idea if it worked or not, but If I was a BG and saw it, I'd think twice.
I put it in the same category of the "Licensed to Carry Armed" decal. Not the most tactically sound idea.


I think you guys give BG's too much credit. Why would they want to tempt fate, where the next house down the street doesnt have a sign saying the owner has firearms and is willing to use it. BG's arent out there for a challenge... they dont want to fight, they just want to money/jewelry/tv whatever... WHY would they go into a house knowing they would first have to contend directly with someone that is Armed? It makes no sense. It think it provides a Tactical ADVANTAGE, not a disadvantage, because 99% of perps will move onto their next target.
Sign or no sign private property rights dont seem to mean much anymore. I have a small place that I run livestock on and if anyone happens to cross the place and a cow runs over them Im liable even if they are trespassing. Thats why I have to carry liability insurance to cover my a**.
I have a dog. If I post a "Beware of Dog" sign, does that advertise that I think the dog is vicious? In California it certainly does. You can be sued for knowingly having a vicious dog if someone goes into your yard and is attacked. I no longer live in California. Does the same law pertain in other states? I don't know. Does the same law pertain with firearms? I don't know that either, yet, I'll not take any chances. No one need know who or what is on or inside my lot or house. They can just take their chances, too.:biggrin:

Ya, Good ol' California setting precedent. . .then the tomfoolery starts spreading to the rest of the country.
You have a point, the signs are cute, but I guess I have to stop and think how much advertising I want to do.
I sometimes get nervous when people are driving by and I'm loading my gun cases and range gear in the van.
to the original poster..... great sign. I notice the humanoid figure is exposing his back. I would not be too quick to shoot a home intruder in the back, unless he is in the act of kidnapping. Many District Attorneys will prosecute for shooting a fleeing burglar under the no threat doctrine.

I thought that for a second, too. Then looked at it again and it's not. It's the way the target rings are laid out. The outer ring makes it look like the back of a shirt in a way.

Great sign. Funny how some just don't have a good sense of humor! :hang3:
I thought of putting up some kind of sign like this but I don't think it is my style to somewhat challenge certain criminals to home invade me armed to the teethe because they see I'm advertising that I am armed and ready for a fight. I would rather just stay covert and maybe put up some home alarm system stickers to MAYBE deter any criminals. I'm prepared my family is prepared and I don't have to advertise it to the world. Great sign though... it made me laugh. :)

oops I just did! DOH!
I like the sign a lot. :biggrin: Also like the one about the neighbor. I would not advertise I had guns for all to see. :no:

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