My Newest Home Seccurity Sign

Piece Corps

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Check out this sign, which will reside in my front yard shortly.

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You can get yours at: Ready to Defend
So you are going to advertise that you have guns in your house. You gonna stay there 24/7 to protect them?
So you are going to advertise that you have guns in your house. You gonna stay there 24/7 to protect them?

I am retired. Either my wife is home, or I am home, or we are both home. In those occasions when both of us are out, there is an alarm system (with cameras, being recorded), bars on the windows, and two dogs inside. I also have neighbors who are home most of the time, and we watch each others' homes - it is very rare that no one is around. I'm not going into any further detail (like furnishing the lay-out of my house, when we go to bed and where all our money is - bwahahahahaha!). Suffice it to say that we feel fairly secure.

My guns are secured to my satisfaction, and usually two of them are with me when I go out. When I'm not home, they're not home, either. And when I AM home, I am at least within arm's reach of a gun, if I'm not carrying one. I'll take my chances.
Beware of _____ inside/outside...

I have a dog. If I post a "Beware of Dog" sign, does that advertise that I think the dog is vicious? In California it certainly does. You can be sued for knowingly having a vicious dog if someone goes into your yard and is attacked. I no longer live in California. Does the same law pertain in other states? I don't know. Does the same law pertain with firearms? I don't know that either, yet, I'll not take any chances. No one need know who or what is on or inside my lot or house. They can just take their chances, too.:biggrin:
So you are going to advertise that you have guns in your house. You gonna stay there 24/7 to protect them?

Exactly what I was thinking. I'm pretty sure that the house in which you live isn't occupied 100% of the time, in which case having that sign might not be such a good idea.
I really like it. Of course I'm the guy with the "Obama Sucks" bumper sticker.

If you ever do have to shoot an intruder, I'd be expecting their lawyer to try and figure out a way to use this sign against you though.

Just a thought.
If I had to shoot an intruder, I would definitely use the sign in my defense. The perp was adequately warned that he could pay with his life if he ignored the sign. Same as with the "Bad Dog" sign. If a "bad dog" ran out and bit someone in the street, its owner would probably be in trouble. But if someone broke into a home with a "Bad Dog" sign, and got attacked by same dog, he was trespassing after a warning - no excuse.

I live in Florida, and Florida law states that I may use deadly force if someone threatens me in my own home. I think I'm really being an extra-nice guy by letting any potential home invader know in advance that they will meet with extreme resistance should they ignore my sign. We have enough people around here who have had home invasion robberies committed against them - my sign tells perps my house ain't worth it. There are enough anti-gun people around to pick on.
If I had to shoot an intruder, I would definitely use the sign in my defense. The perp was adequately warned that he could pay with his life if he ignored the sign. Same as with the "Bad Dog" sign. If a "bad dog" ran out and bit someone in the street, its owner would probably be in trouble. But if someone broke into a home with a "Bad Dog" sign, and got attacked by same dog, he was trespassing after a warning - no excuse.

I live in Florida, and Florida law states that I may use deadly force if someone threatens me in my own home. I think I'm really being an extra-nice guy by letting any potential home invader know in advance that they will meet with extreme resistance should they ignore my sign. We have enough people around here who have had home invasion robberies committed against them - my sign tells perps my house ain't worth it. There are enough anti-gun people around to pick on.

The only problem with that: juries don't think that way. They are mostly of a mind that if you know before hand that you will shoot someone who comes inside then you've just committed first degree murder. I think they are wrong, but they don't think so. Sad!:fie:
Once upon a time I was in the Army, in Berlin. Once in a while we'd get a guy who'd been transferred in from Turkey, where we had a couple of installations. I heard, back then, Turkey...if you were in a cab which got into an accident, YOU were held liable...the idea being that if the cab wasn't taking you in that direction at your request, it wouldn't have had the accident.

Seems we're heading in the same direction.
The only problem with that: juries don't think that way. They are mostly of a mind that if you know before hand that you will shoot someone who comes inside then you've just committed first degree murder. I think they are wrong, but they don't think so. Sad!:fie:

Not in this neck o' the woods! We have had, oh, six or seven shootings around here by civilians in self-defense in the past 6-8 months, and most of them resulted in the death of the perp. Not one of them looks to be headed to court. One guy walked in on a perp beating a convenience store clerk, went out to his truck, got his gun, walked back inside and blew the perp away. No problem. Another guy tried breaking into a house and was shot dead through the door before he even got inside. No problem. I like living in this area, and a lot of BGs are learning that a lot of us around here don't go down so easily. And the police obviously don't mind the extra "help."
Not in this neck o' the woods! We have had, oh, six or seven shootings around here by civilians in self-defense in the past 6-8 months, and most of them resulted in the death of the perp. Not one of them looks to be headed to court. One guy walked in on a perp beating a convenience store clerk, went out to his truck, got his gun, walked back inside and blew the perp away. No problem. Another guy tried breaking into a house and was shot dead through the door before he even got inside. No problem. I like living in this area, and a lot of BGs are learning that a lot of us around here don't go down so easily. And the police obviously don't mind the extra "help."

Good to know. Maybe it will catch on elsewhere!
Nice sign. As far as the beware of dog sign goes... I have one @ each entrance. I am told that if you have one, & someone breaks in and gets bit, you gave them ample warning. I like my dogs too much to have them taken away b/c someone broke into my house, got bit, then sued b/c they weren't aware there were dogs on premises. It has happenned. We have a castle doctrine here too, which is a wondeerful law. My dogs give me the warning, then I get to defend my family. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

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