My New to me, classic Marlin 30AW 30/30


Brought home a little beauty today - a Marlin 30AW, chambered in 30/30. It will serve as my deer rifle, and planning on using it this Saturday morning

So I took it out, and wanted to make sure it was sighted in OK. Below is the target. 70 yards, 4 shots, all on black. I know, I know, it's not MOA shooting, but I think open sights at that range, it's pretty stinking good

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And here's the beauty:

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Also picked up a double rifle hard case - can't remember the name off the top of my head - I'll have to look when I get back home. Starts with a "C" though.

Picked up the sling at Wally World for $9.00, and a box of Hornaday LeveRevolution for $22.95.

All in all, I'm really happy. I did pop a Tasco scope on it at first, but I didn't have the time last night to sight it in, and the rings were too high for the bore scope, so I just went open. I'm going hunting in the morning, so I guess I'll be OK :)

Oh, and the serial starts with 10, so it's a 1990 model.
Beautiful. I've got one just like it, but the hammer is different. It's killed one of the two deer I've ever shot. (My first was on a borrowed gun because the Marlin jammed as I loaded it....see below). Personally, I think it's the sexiest deer rifle out there.

Mine has twice been afflicted with the dreaded "Marlin jam", where the feed ramp does something goofy and permanently locks the action open of a fully-loaded rifle.

The first gunsmith "fixed" it, but it reappeared 2 years later when I was in my stand. The second gunsmith said he DID fix it, but we'll just see. According to him, there's a quick "fix" and then there's a "FIX". He performed the latter, where he grinds down the cam, then TIG-welds it back to shape, then machines the cam to the proper dimensions.
Wow - never heard of the "Marlin Jam!" I grew up shooting marlins, and never had a jam, ever. I've only put 6 rounds down this one, but I hope it doesn't happen to me :)

Oh, and I forgot to say, I got it for just $250!!!

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