Brought home a little beauty today - a Marlin 30AW, chambered in 30/30. It will serve as my deer rifle, and planning on using it this Saturday morning
So I took it out, and wanted to make sure it was sighted in OK. Below is the target. 70 yards, 4 shots, all on black. I know, I know, it's not MOA shooting, but I think open sights at that range, it's pretty stinking good
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And here's the beauty:
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Also picked up a double rifle hard case - can't remember the name off the top of my head - I'll have to look when I get back home. Starts with a "C" though.
Picked up the sling at Wally World for $9.00, and a box of Hornaday LeveRevolution for $22.95.
All in all, I'm really happy. I did pop a Tasco scope on it at first, but I didn't have the time last night to sight it in, and the rings were too high for the bore scope, so I just went open. I'm going hunting in the morning, so I guess I'll be OK
Oh, and the serial starts with 10, so it's a 1990 model.
So I took it out, and wanted to make sure it was sighted in OK. Below is the target. 70 yards, 4 shots, all on black. I know, I know, it's not MOA shooting, but I think open sights at that range, it's pretty stinking good
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And here's the beauty:
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Also picked up a double rifle hard case - can't remember the name off the top of my head - I'll have to look when I get back home. Starts with a "C" though.
Picked up the sling at Wally World for $9.00, and a box of Hornaday LeveRevolution for $22.95.
All in all, I'm really happy. I did pop a Tasco scope on it at first, but I didn't have the time last night to sight it in, and the rings were too high for the bore scope, so I just went open. I'm going hunting in the morning, so I guess I'll be OK

Oh, and the serial starts with 10, so it's a 1990 model.