Thank you for the kind words. She reads the threads and she is tickled pink. I take her hunting. She killed her first deer when she was 5 with a .22. I take her and her sister to the range every Sunday. It's our weekend ritual. I take her friends as well. I'm surprised by the support I get from the other parents, especially the ANTI's. Strange how they can be against something, but want me to teach thier children. I've already turned 8 families onto the NRA 5 of the parents are now life members and at least 2 (used to be ANTI's I've talked with) are members on this site. I had them register so they could see we weren't barbarian, blood crazed killers. They especially love Mom of 3 Angels, Redhat,DrDavid, and both Kimbers post and everytime they see Mufdaddy's name they laugh! You guy's are awesome and I owe you alot for helping change some opinions. Keep it up.