My AR!


Dispatcher Extraordinaire
I ordered my AR back the middle of July.....The FFL dealer told me it would take about 4 weeks.....Well, about 8 weeks later it arrived. He told me the story of how everyone is backed up, and it takes longer to get them.....But he told me it would take less time if he built one, rather than just trying to order one from Rock River/DPMS and so on......

At this point, I really do not care, cause I got it! Custom.......

I ordered an AIM scope with light and laser from

Today, I zeroed it in, firing it at the FREE RANGE here in Winnemucca, Nv was just to cool......

Anyway, here is a pic of it......

Next week, at the "Crossroads of the West" show in Reno I need to get some more magazines, a sling, and any other accessories I find that I like!

At least somebody got their AR. Like my other post in this group says "I'm still waiting". Seriously, it looks like a great rig. Congrats. I'm still waiting (did I say that already?)
Thanks guys!

I guess when you have your dealer custom make it for you, it comes a little faster....

Hang in there, its well worth the wait!

I purchased the scope/light/laser combo from for $129.....I did not think that was to bad...

Thanks guys!

I guess when you have your dealer custom make it for you, it comes a little faster....

Hang in there, its well worth the wait!

I purchased the scope/light/laser combo from for $129.....I did not think that was to bad...


Congrats on the AR! Looks like a nice rifle. $120 is not a bad price at all as long as it holds a zero. I paid $400 for my EOTech and that dosn't include a light or laser. Have fun with it.

I'll be picking up another lower soon. To start my next build soon.
I just got my 5.11 tactical 2-point sling for my AR today. I deffinetly recommend these to everyone.

Simple pull of the cord, and the weapon sinches to your body. Then pull the release cord, and the weight of the gun loosens it back up. I hate humping thick brush, or climbing a tree stand, or riding a quad with a rifle bouncing around. This is a dream come true for me. :biggrin:

YouTube - 5.11 Tactical / Viking Tactics 2 Point Sling
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