MSNBC poll on concealed carry


New member
Here is a poll on MSNBC... Link Removed

Read the comments after you vote, Amazed that so many people are willing to be unable to defend themselves. One actually said:
"I expect increased toddler deaths,mistaken intruders, domestic murders, workplace, racist & paranoid shootings & police in greater danger"

Along the same lines we heard before CC was passed here in TX Never mind the fact that the crime rate has dropped since it was passed..
I noticed the comment, "I feel very threatened by concealed firearms and will not patronize businesses that do not disallow them."

I don't know about where you guys live but in all 3 states I've lived in thus far, most if not all the employees working at my local gun store are always carrying... and open carrying at that. When's the last time anyone ever heard of a gun store being robbed during business hours?

This guy is basically saying that he will not patronize the businesses that allow a higher safety standard than just "there's a good chance you won't be harmed if you comply with the BG's demands". I'm not leaving my safety up to corporate policies that hope the BG does the right thing... He's a BG, he's not doing the right thing because he's in your store ROBBING IT!!!
"I don't know about where you guys live but in all 3 states I've lived in thus far, most if not all the employees working at my local gun store are always carrying... and open carrying at that. When's the last time anyone ever heard of a gun store being robbed during business hours."

A shop in Fresno used to not carry, early mid -eighties. They still don't openly carry but after being robbed and one of the owners being shot in the back while he was face down on the floor, he survived, they now are within arms reach of a rifle, pistol or shotgun at all times.
Some of my favorites quotes. Enjoy!

Although I don't believe all gun owners are "stumblebums", the very existence of guns means criminals will acquire them. They need to go.

I feel very threatened by concealed firearms and will not patronize businesses that do not disallow them

I really like this one!

The other dayI had someone stood next to me with a gun on my hip. I felt threatened all the time.

- daqman

After that one i gave up.
In this state the only places you can not carry are courthouses and the state house. I have a chalengefor those against consealed carry. For a week, look closely at everyone around you while your out and about. Count the number of citizens carring consealed. Then come back here and let us know. :pleasantry:
Here is a poll on MSNBC... Link Removed

Read the comments after you vote, Amazed that so many people are willing to be unable to defend themselves. One actually said:
"I expect increased toddler deaths,mistaken intruders, domestic murders, workplace, racist & paranoid shootings & police in greater danger"

Along the same lines we heard before CC was passed here in TX Never mind the fact that the crime rate has dropped since it was passed..

We're doing quite well in the poll! There will always be a fair share of sheeple in our society. I prefer to be a Sheep Dog!
Very safe: If a crime is committed or a threat of violence made, they’ve got the means to respond.
62,292 votes
In danger: These people could be trigger-happy yahoos or stumblebums whose weapon might go off by accident.
12,252 votes
Not sure: How would we know? Wouldn’t it depend on the state laws involved and circumstances?
2,483 votes

I think this is encouraging results.. The gov't feels (My opinion) that most citizens are scared of other people with guns, and responds accordingly... But these results indicate that 80% are fine with it..
Even though they are a small number, it's the Not Sure's that always worry me.. They can't even decide if they like to have a person with a gun standing next to them.. Talk about undecided!!!

Interesting phrasing in the question..
IF you are going to have the negative answer framed in the way it is, shouldn't the positive answer have been something more like:
"They are self controlled, methodical thinkers, skilled with weapons having full authority over their firearms."
Interesting phrasing in the question..
IF you are going to have the negative answer framed in the way it is, shouldn't the positive answer have been something more like:
"They are self controlled, methodical thinkers, skilled with weapons having full authority over their firearms."

Present results
Very safe: If a crime is committed or a threat of violence made, they’ve got the means to respond.
62,292 votes

In danger: These people could be trigger-happy yahoos or stumblebums whose weapon might go off by accident.
12,252 votes

Not sure: How would we know? Wouldn’t it depend on the state laws involved and circumstances?
2,483 votes

I think this is encouraging results.. The gov't feels (My opinion) that most citizens are scared of other people with guns, and responds accordingly... But these results indicate that 80% are fine with it..
Even though they are a small number, it's the Not Sure's that always worry me.. They can't even decide if they like to have a person with a gun standing next to them.. Talk about undecided!!!
Here is a poll on MSNBC... Link Removed

Read the comments after you vote, Amazed that so many people are willing to be unable to defend themselves. One actually said:
"I expect increased toddler deaths,mistaken intruders, domestic murders, workplace, racist & paranoid shootings & police in greater danger"

Along the same lines we heard before CC was passed here in TX Never mind the fact that the crime rate has dropped since it was passed..

Being a Gun Owner and American citizen, I understand the importance of LAWFUL citizens who are not insane that have the right to defend themselves. There will always be accidental deaths by those who purchase guns without taking the proper responsibility for protecting themselves, their families, and their fellow citizens. Those with mental disorders or personality disorders will always be the outliers who continue to kill. There are many potential weapons that can kill in the household, and are used every day to do so, that do not get the negative press (i.e. Kitchen Knives, Machetes, Our Vehicles, Golf Clubs, "Candlesticks").

People who have no experience or understanding of proper responsibility should not make judgement calls upon gun owners as a Group. Those who use guns outside the limits of the law, are outliers.
The negative comments, not surprisingly, show the misinformation of people.
That is how this country got to the sad state it is in, misinformation by the media such as MSNBC.
And why their ratings have tanked.
I don't put any stock in anything MSNBC airs/publishes. This is by far the most radical news organization in this country, they are against anything the majority is for... I call them the ACLU Channel. :sarcastic:
to ALL,

personally, i FEEL SORRY FOR anyone who is IGNORANT/DUMB enough to believe anything broadcasted by MSNBC!

MSNBC is the voice of the MOST extreme, freedom-hating, ignorant, LEFTIST lunatics of the DIMocRATS party & that's ALL that they are. - for all intents & purposes, they are "the house organ of" the DIMocRATS.

may i remind everyone here, that it was the "correspondants" of MSNBC, who during Desert Storm, said "on air" that they "didn't want to be thought of as Americans", but rather "citizens of the peace-loving people of the world"?

furthermore, i've "lost count of" the KNOWING/STUPID (that wouldn't fool my 4YO niece!) LIES told by "on air personalities" of that network.

just my opinion.

yours, PG
Its funny that so many are so uninformed. If they just checke the laws and requirements for CCL they would make themselves not look so Stupid. But I understand they are Liberals and stats and facts dont really matter to them.:lazy2:
Its funny that so many are so uninformed. If they just checke the laws and requirements for CCL they would make themselves not look so Stupid. But I understand they are Liberals and
stats and facts dont really matter to them.:lazy2:

My political views lean to the left, and stats and facts mean a LOT to me! Plus I'm on your side with the whole gun issue. Don't paint an entire group as anti-gun - it just isn't true. A friend of mine who is far to the left is an avid gun owner and gun-rights advocate.

One of the problems of the whole gun-rights issue is polarization. Those on the left view the right as gun-toting rednecks who want to kill anything that moves, while the right views the left as a bunch of pansies who are afraid of their own shadow. I'm begging you: please drop the political background to the issue - you will likely find people (like me) who support the right to keep and bear arms.
My political views lean to the left, and stats and facts mean a LOT to me! Plus I'm on your side with the whole gun issue. Don't paint an entire group as anti-gun - it just isn't true. A friend of mine who is far to the left is an avid gun owner and gun-rights advocate.

One of the problems of the whole gun-rights issue is polarization. Those on the left view the right as gun-toting rednecks who want to kill anything that moves, while the right views the left as a bunch of pansies who are afraid of their own shadow. I'm begging you: please drop the political background to the issue - you will likely find people (like me) who support the right to keep and bear arms.

I appologize if you took it that way, it was not my intensions. This was releated directly to the OP and comments on MSNBC. I to know that some on the left support this. My parents are both left and my dad has about as many firearms as I do and is an active member of the NRA. So that was not my intent. And I will not have a political or left or right argument because we both know how that ends up. It's just to bad the EXREMIST dont use facts when stating their intensions to strip us ALL of our 2nd Amd rights. Just dont take that statement personal. It wasnt intended that way.

But I also will exercise my 1st Amd rights no matter where I am. Here or anywhere else. I have thick enuff skin to get flamed here or anywhere else. But thing I will not do is argue about what should be or shouldnt unless I have facts to support it. Im a big boy and you will not affend me by exercising you 1st Amd right as well. Just wanted to throw that in there as well.
Rayven, thanks for the well thought-up post, and mature response. Hopefully some will understand that everybody's political views in the US are not simply black&white regarding whether a person is a liberal/conservative.

In my personal opinion, over the last 10-15 years, I have noticed an ever widening gap between the 2 main political parties, and the fault behind this I blame on the media. With Fox being mostly conservative, and MSNBC mostly liberal, we just watch the networks that agree with our viewpoints. Makes sense, right? Why would we watch something that does nothing but piss us off?

The downside to that, is these networks are constantly throwing attacks on the other party, and we as people get drawn into it. We start believing everything we see or hear on the TV, internet, some drunk guy with an opinion, etc. Well here is a shocking bit of news: Everything you see or hear on TV, internet, etc. is probably not remotely true, or have facts mixed up, taken out of context, and thrown together to create whatever fits the original maker's goals, which is usually to see how many people will follow his same viewpoint. I just like to call this, "The Alex Jones Theory," and the newer generation is growing up to believe everything they see on YouTube. Something we as adults need to correct, and NOW! If there's one thing I believe that will cripple this great nation, it's the great divide between the political parties. Not gun confiscation, UN troops, or any other bizarre theory I've not even heard about until Alex Jones and his followers.

For my own background, I grew up with a mostly liberal family, but there were some things I did not agree with my parents on, such as gun control. I am very pro-gun, anti-abortion, and pro-death penalty. From that stand point those are the mainly conservative values I hold, but I also support the health care reform, alternative energy, the President, and to a certain degree, limitations on weapons available to the public. You have heard me say before that I am not very keen on everybody to walk in and buy fully-automatic machine guns, RPG's, MANPADS, etc.

Now, I did not write this post to incite a political debate, just merely to show that even as a pro-gun supporter, I disagree with a lot of what people believe in on this site. However, you never will hear me condemn either party. You can call me a communist, socialist, ****ing liberal, or any other words I have heard expressed on these forums, but I do not hate conservatives. I think a fine balance in our society is good, but as I have said before, at the rate the gap between both parties has increased, there can be no good that can come from it. I am also sure this post will anger some of you, but as I've said, I'm not looking to debate politics on this thread.

Think about it though, this is the (according to one post) the most liberal and yet we still have 80% saying that CC is ok and that they feel safer. The rest is not even all negative but an element of the "great confused" who never have a thought on much of anyting - nor do they want to. Some call that "open minded" I call it "absent minded."
does anyone have stats on what really did happen after gun law changes, ie. it would appear that crime has dropped in
dc since the supreme court ruled again gun prohabition. If someone did put all this in one list it could be powerful