Up to 71+ right now.
I read some of the anti comments.
A real good example of why it's a good idea to remain silent when you have no idea what you're talking about.
No - 73.7%
Yes - 22.5%
Maybe - 3.9%

Someone should tell the No's, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt."
The thing that always gets me laughing about these things are when people's arguments for banning guns are the following:

How many more Virginia Tech's need to happen before we stop the madness!?!?[\quote]

First of all he used two guns: a .22 and a 9mm Glock 19. He did not have an automatic assault rifle. Get your stories strait...

Assault rifles have one purpose killing people. I grew up with guns and hunting and I believe no civilian should have these guns.

You may have been correct in this statement, however the more correct statement is that no criminal should have these guns. The problem is they do. So now in order to keep the balance of power in the law abiding citizens hands, you have to allow people to not be sheep.

Last but not least

I know more than one crazy person that owns a gun, they should all be outlawed

If that were true, I know more than one crazy driver. Does that mean we should all lose our licenses? Come on people, think before you open your mouth.
When are people going to start thinking before they post?

Here is another one:

Until game animals start shooting back, there is no legitimate reason for anyone to need an assault weapon. Period.

What about criminals?
Total of 64,213 votes - click on the "Display Comments" bar below to sort comments

Yes. We had the ban for 10 years. He should use up whatever political capital is necessary to reinstate the ban.
12,467 votes

No. It was a mistake the first time around and it would be a mistake again. Existing gun laws are enough.
49,505 votes

Maybe. Owning a gun is a right, but I'm conflicted as to whether or not average Americans should be able to own assault weapons.
2,241 votes

I posted this in the other thread as well.....Results as of 2:50 pm

No 77.1% with 49552 votes

yes 19.4% with 12469 votes

Maybe im to stupid to make up my own mind 3.5% with 2242 votes

No 77.1% with 49552 votes

yes 19.4% with 12469 votes

Maybe 3.5% with 2242 votes

Those are numbers I like to see!!

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