Moving to SC


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I have a friend with a Florida CWP moving back to SC. Does anyone know if he can somehow get a CWP "transfer" instead of spending all the money and time to take the class over?
I amy be worng and there are some loopholes in it but no on the transfer. Ask a local CWP instructor and they may be able to help out some.
I'm pretty sure that is a no an they are going to have to take the class and everything else that goes with it... but then again it will be worth it...
He can contact SLED and ask if he can use his FL training in lieu of taking the SC class.

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(5) “Proof of training” means an original document or certified copy of the document supplied by an applicant that certifies that he is either:

(a) a person who, within three years before filing an application, has successfully completed a basic or advanced handgun education course offered by a state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency or a nationally recognized organization that promotes gun safety. This education course must be a minimum of eight hours and must include, but is not limited to:

I think this is still correct. He can call or email Linda and ask about the FL training. Since we have reciprocal agreement with FL SLED should accept his FL training.

Linda fanning

[email protected]

(803) 896-7015

Thanks for the replies guys. My friend that is moving is one of my gun "converts" and I am trying to keep his hopes up, but it is looking like another 3-4 month wait. He finally got his FL permit about 2 weeks before he started his move to SC.:hang3::wacko:
What about the test?

I remember at the end of the class room part of the 'training' having to take an official SLED test that addressed specifically S.C. laws.
I won't speak for all instructors in the state, but it's my policy that if you have a permit from a state that has the same basic requirements as SC (8 hr minimum, range time, etc.) then all I require is a short version on SC law. This can be done by coming in later in the class, so the entire day is not wasted. The key element here is that the old state requirements must be at least as stringent as SC.


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