Mother Brandishes Firearm to Kids


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Seen this link on Defensive Carry and thought you guys/gals might like to see it.
Love the interveiw

I love how they had to through in the comment the woman made about not knowing why someone would need to bring a gun with them to pick up there kid! She's probably right nothing bad would ever happen at a bus stop! I mean I only carry my gun when I know I'm going to be attacked!

Sarcasm off. I couldn't imagine waving my gun around at some kids! If she was just using it as a scare tactic this lady obviously does not have the maturity level to carry a side arm. She just gave the carry community a black eye.
Some folks just don't get it.
A defenseless killing zone, a bus stop, what better place to carry a "CONCEALED" weapon.
The key word being concealed.
I agree..this lady's cheese slid off her cracker..she sure did not do the permit carry'n community any good..if they pull her ticket, she will be just one of the crazies out there with a gun..
There are some people that just don't have the mentality to carry a gun, or drive a car, or talk on the phone, or realize coffee is hot before pouring it on their lap.
There are some people that just don't have the mentality to carry a gun, or drive a car, or talk on the phone, or realize coffee is hot before pouring it on their lap.

Such a great way to say 'common sense' is no longer 'common'.

There are some people that just don't have the mentality to carry a gun, or drive a car, or talk on the phone, or realize coffee is hot before pouring it on their lap.
But at least where the Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear is concerned, it is imperative that all people . . . ALL people . . . have that Right protected! Perhaps, as good citizens and experienced gun-guys, we might take the more inexperienced under our wing to give them guidance, but we should be cautious about telling anyone that they "shouldn't" be allowed to carry. Like the old C&W song says: "Don't 'should' on me and I won't 'should' on you!"
I certainly wasn't implying anyone should have their rights taken away. :). I think it would be a good idea if we were to teach gun safety in school. When I was in school in the 80's, I had a hunters safety course. I don't think any of us had any choice but take it. Noone got hurt and I am sure we all learned something. We even went somewhere and shot skeet as a class. I think if we could ever accomplish this, we would, obviously improve safety, but also alleviate some of the fear of guns. My experience is, when a person is afraid of guns, if you can get them to shoot and learn they don't go off on their own, they are often not as freightened of them.
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Another great statement DrDavidM.

Folks are afraid of those things which they are not familiar with or do not understand.

A very simple and basic education on firearms for everyone would do a lot to resolve the issues and fear brought on by ignorance on the subject.

I am a firm believer that everyone on the planet should learn to swim. Likewise I believe everyone should also be educated in regards to firearms and firearm safety.

Brandishes firearm to kids

i think that depends on age,place and right time,i've never flashed or barndished a firearm to anybody that i did't think was ready or willing for it. some of my closest friends don't know thai i'am carrying cw,my family are about the only ones that knew about it for years.
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Such a great way to say 'common sense' is no longer 'common'.


LOL !!! My uncle & I started calling it UNcommon sense a good 15 + years ago.

I was just mentioning the "Why people fear is mainly due to lack of knowledge" situation to a Canook friend of mine. He agrees w/ it, they are just S.O.L. for now. But he agreed that it would and could help.

I am all for safety and educational classes. I know my child will learn at a young age. Guaranteed !
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LOL !!! My uncle & I started calling it UNcommon sense a good 15 + years ago.

I was just mentioning the "Why people fear is mainly due to lack of knowledge" situation to a Canook friend of mine. He agrees w/ it, they are just S.O.L. for now. But he agreed that it would and could help.

I am all for safety and educational classes. I know my child will learn at a young age. Guaranteed !

Fear is often the result of a lack of familarity and comfort with something or someone. If everyone learns to swim they are usually no longer fearful of water. If everyone learned about firearms the word hoplophobia would probably not be needed because so few would be afraid of guns.

My son learned starting with a pump pellet pistol around the age of 5 or 6. I pumped it and he shot the target,,,, hits were good for $s (actually cents).

spc :)

I agree that education is the answer.I taught all my chidren gun safety as soon as they could understand it.I started shooting guns at the age of ten.My dad got me and my brother involved in a shooting club that taught kids gun safety and actually let you shoot a .22 caliber rifle at an indoor range twice a week.We had a lot of fun and i was hooked from there.My lids started with a bb gun and went to paint ball guns,and then i started taking them to the range with me and they started with a .22 caliber handgun and graduated to the bigger calibers from there.Now we all enjoy a day at the rangewhich makes for a great family outing.
I certainly wasn't implying anyone should have their rights taken away. :). I think it would be a good idea if we were to teach gun safety in school. When I was in school in the 80's, I had a hunters safety course. I don't think any of us had any choice but take it. Noone got hurt and I am sure we all learned something. We even went somewhere and shot skeet as a class. I think if we could ever accomplish this, we would, obviously improve safety, but also alleviate some of the fear of guns. My experience is, when a person is afraid of guns, if you can get them to shoot and learn they don't go off on their own, they are often not as freightened of them.

I'm not implying it either. I'll say flat out that she should have it taken away; at least until she learns the rights and wrongs.

I am obviously pro gun and pro carry but it drives me bonkers how some gun people take the 2nd so bloody literally that they think murders, rapists, whack jobs and idiots should have a right to carry a gun. Get real people! :eek:

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