Mossberg 500 range report


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I had a chance to make it to the range today and try out my new Mossberg 500 persuader. Which I was highly looking forward to cause not only was it a new gun but I've only shot 20 gauges (birdshot mostly) before. First off the range I go to will only let you shoot shot out of a full choked barrel. My Mossberg is not so I had to find some rifled slugs. I finally found a shop that had some 3in magnum 1 1/4oz federal hollow point rifled slugs in stock. I bought 3 boxes and headed to the range. I set the target to 30', loaded the tube with 5 rounds, racked it, took my stance, and pulled the trigger. I knew being a 12 gauge and shooting slugs it was going to kick but good lord that thing's a beast! I LOOOOOOVE IT!! I ended up shooting 10 rounds and it functioned flawlessly. The advanced technologies inc. butt stock held up like a champ to the 3in mag shells and the entire gun just felt solid. Very happy with the purchase and would not want to be on the receiving end of this thing!

Oh and by the way, even with the rubber recoil pad and keeping the gun tight to my shoulder she left her mark!
Thanks for the report. As far as the recoil I am thinking of getting one and putting a Knox recoil reducing stock on it. I think Blackhawk has the rights to the stocks now. Sounds like they might work pretty good.
Thanks for the report. As far as the recoil I am thinking of getting one and putting a Knox recoil reducing stock on it. I think Blackhawk has the rights to the stocks now. Sounds like they might work pretty good.

I want to put the same stock on my mossberg 500. Looks like a very good adition!

BTW, Nice Shootin!

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