More proof the police aren't always around


M. Todd Bayliss
Just in case anyone needed further convincing that the police cannot be counted on to protect you:

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Note that it says the shooting occured outside the UNMANNED police substation. Try as they might, our LEOs can't be everywhere at once.
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Sadly in our violent society we cannot count on the police to be present in our time of need. We have to enpower ourselves to be responsible for our own safety. I think that speaks volumes, for the members of this site. As that is exactly what we have done. We are not sheep awaiting slaughter by a vicious predator.
No we can't count on the Police, My son is a county police here in Horry co. SC. There officers are spread so thin over the county, there respnoce time, even for backup is an averag of 20 min., Its a shame, and sad............ :=(
Yup, personal protection really isn't the job of the Police! :huh:

It's like the saying goes... "when seconds count, the Police are only minutes away"! :police:
i believe it was a Supreme Court ruling in 1982 that states " your local law enforcement agency is not responsable for your protection"
If we can't carry guns to protect ourselfs, than why can cops carry guns to protect themselves?
I have brought this up before in another thread but this sounds like a good time to remind us all (as if any of us need convincing) about the need to protect ourselves. A number of years back a lady in Dallas called 911 to report someone trying to break into her apartment. Fourty five min. later the police arrived to find her dead.
They are great if they are there. Like who wants to rush to a gun fight. They will do the papper work.
So, I was out eating with a friend last night, and there's a couple outside at a patio table. There were also a couple of cops a few tables away. The couple came inside to look at something, and the girl left her purse on the table. My friend and I went over to tell her that she had left her purse outside.

Her response was...

"Oh, I's ok though, there's police out there."

That's stupid on many different levels - she's trusting the competence of (presumably) unknown LEOs, she's assuming they're not going to leave, she's unnecessarily putting her purse at risk, and she's placing the burden of private security detail on people who don't even know they've been drafted for that job.

Police presence is awesome, but it would be stupid in any situation to take for granted that they're going to provide any kind of protection - especially off-duty ones who are sitting around eating. I think that from now on, I'll just leave my doors unlocked and windows open...because hey, the cops are out there somewhere. That'll stop the criminals, right?
Yup, personal protection really isn't the job of the Police! :huh:
It's like the saying goes... "when seconds count, the Police are only minutes away"! :police:
What ever happened to "Serve & Protect"?
Any more it seems that their function is post-incident, there only to write reports and appoint someone for clean-up detail.
Serve & protect???

This is great!
Besides having her elbow too high to control a carbine in a CQB, and besides not having very good cover, does anyone see anything else wrong with this photo? Click on the photo to enlarge.
I just hope that If I ever have to really face any BG's, that they are as well trained as this officer.

View attachment 40

This is great!
Besides having her elbow too high to control a carbine in a CQB, and besides not having very good cover, does anyone see anything else wrong with this photo? Click on the photo to enlarge.
I just hope that If I ever have to really face any BG's, that they are as well trained as this officer.

View attachment 40

Well for one it would be nice if she was behind cover instead of making herself and easy target.
Its ok, she probably put the rounds in the magazine backwards too so 2 wrongs will make a right...or does that make a right a left...:huh:
This is great!
Besides having her elbow too high to control a carbine in a CQB, and besides not having very good cover, does anyone see anything else wrong with this photo? Click on the photo to enlarge.
I just hope that If I ever have to really face any BG's, that they are as well trained as this officer.

View attachment 40

She's a woman? Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I'm no expert, but I don't think I've ever seen an AR banana magazine pointing TOWARDS you......


SIR?! SIR!!!! Click-ploink**

** Ploink is the sound that I have in my head for when a firing pin hits the nose of a bullet
What ever happened to "Serve & Protect"?
Any more it seems that their function is post-incident, there only to write reports and appoint someone for clean-up detail.
Most of patrol-level police work in the US is breaking up incidents between people who are insane/intoxicated/otherwise impaired, temporarily resolving domestic incidents, stopping suspicious cars full of thugs, or pedestrian thugs and having them empty their pockets, and showing up to accidents or incidents and determining who to cite or arrest. They'll also stop Joe Blow occasionally for not using his turn signal.

They're not usually handling geniuses or assassins from James Bond - most of the people that cops encounter on an arresting basis live pretty hard and don't have much to show for it. Most of the time that the average person encounters them, it's for a traffic stop, or to be served with papers from family court.
This is great!
Besides having her elbow too high to control a carbine in a CQB, and besides not having very good cover, does anyone see anything else wrong with this photo? Click on the photo to enlarge.
I just hope that If I ever have to really face any BG's, that they are as well trained as this officer.

View attachment 40

OMG! ROTFLMAO!!! I am astonished! I am just sitting here holding my gut because I was laughing so hard! I think they should use this for her next promotion board! America's finest! I wondr how well you have to score on the placement tests to get her job?:huh:

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