more nonsense from the people's republik of the pagan state of kalifornicate


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I just got a letter in the mail from the california bureau of (in)justice.I guess all of you other FFL's in here got the same letter.Apparently,it is not enough to have a license to sell firearms issued by the federal government in order to receive a shipped firearm in california.Now the dealer in california has to get a permit to to receive a shipped firearm and all of us have to have their permit number or whatever before we ship to a dealer in california.I guess I won't be shipping to california(which is probably what they want).I just have too much going on to play stupid games with an anti gun,anti rights state and risk making a mistake and getting in trouble. :ranting2:
You guys in cali need to get on your legislature and rip 'em a new one.Either that or all freedom,liberty loving people in california need to move to a different state and leave cali for the politicians and the criminals.Come to Texas.We have room.Yes,I did post this in two places.It seemed appropriate for both.
Well, this is not surprising coming from the People's Republic of California. It wouldn't surprise me if they were to place an excise tax on firearms, ammo, and firearms accessories in order to make it harder for the average citizen to own firearms; wait, they already have done that with their ban on "Saturday Night Specials!"
I just got a letter in the mail from the california bureau of (in)justice.I guess all of you other FFL's in here got the same letter.Apparently,it is not enough to have a license to sell firearms issued by the federal government in order to receive a shipped firearm in california.Now the dealer in california has to get a permit to to receive a shipped firearm and all of us have to have their permit number or whatever before we ship to a dealer in california.I guess I won't be shipping to california(which is probably what they want).I just have too much going on to play stupid games with an anti gun,anti rights state and risk making a mistake and getting in trouble. :ranting2:
That sounds like a lot of trouble designed to make dealers make a mistake.

Is it possible to ship to a different state and have the CA resident pick it up there?
[SIC] all freedom,liberty loving people in california need to move to a different state and leave cali for the politicians and the criminal[/SIC].

I've been telling people that for a long long while

To leave those ~8 may issue states and DC to the politicans and criminals, move to a shall issue state and make the Pro-2A population in these shall issue states stronger
Some people are getting on Kimber for making a 45 for the La police. If all firearms companys just wrote of the this run away child it would be on its knees asking for help. No ammo no parts no new guns. The people would get of their asses and vote .
That sounds like a lot of trouble designed to make dealers make a mistake.

Is it possible to ship to a different state and have the CA resident pick it up there?

I got the same letter. More hoops. I hate to let them win, but I won't be shipping to California. As far as residents purchasing in another state, it may depend on which state. At my FFL location I can sell long guns to residents of states other than Utah and handguns only to residents of Utah, but was told by the BCI that does our background checks here not to sell any firearm to any resident of California. I'm thinking there might have been an exception if they are military stationed in Utah--I'd have to look that one up. Shipping firearms to someone in another state always has to go through an FFL in their state where they will do the background check for the buyer (except now in California where you have to go through a bunch of other baloney before you can ship to a federally licensed FFL Dealer). Craziness.
I think the only guns he uses,or used,were not real.I like his movies,honestly,but as a person,and as an elected leader,I just don't know about him.
Arnold has never billed himself as being particularly pro-gun. Obviously movies do not reflect real life, because he's no more in favor of owning automatic weapons than he is an artificially intelligent android.

I don't think that I would vote for him based on his politics. From everything I've heard about him, he's a good person though. I have friends who are good people, but I wouldn't vote for them as I'm fairly sure it wouldn't serve my political interest. Still, I enjoy their company and it's good to have differing views so long as one can argue in a civil way.

Arnold is a very intelligent guy, and by his own admission, the main driving force for him was always "to be somebody important". He sort of pulled himself up by his bootstraps as a bodybuilder, which he translated into acting, business, politics, etc. He was never one of "the powers that be" prior to pumping great quantities of iron.

In general, he would probably be a "pro-business" conservative who supports employers being able to tell their employees not to park in their lots with guns in their cars.
This is one of the reasons why I moved from Kalifornia to Utah 14 years ago. The state use to be a great place to live and rise a family. Then the 60's hit and all the Hippies moved in and there went the state. People have asked me if I would back, my answer is h#$$ no. Will maybe if they deport the illegals back to NY, NJ and Mass along with there liberal ideas.
This is an example of how they are trying to do an end run around the Constitution. They are enacting enough legislation to make it too difficult to do business there which is the desired effect without actually being illegal. I don't know how much longer the average Californian will put up with this. I would think that at some point they would react and let the politicians know that they will not accpet this.

On another note, I have been seeing all kinds of commercials trying to get vistors to come to California. I think they are having trouble getting tourists to come there. I have also seen that for the first time in decades there are more people moving away from California than moving to it. Couple that with the housing crisis and5 dollar gas 50-100 mile commuting and the car culture that the state is built on and well you have a very dim future.
but but but, how will the governator get his guns??!?!?!?!

I had high hopes for California when Arnold was elected... sadly he has become a SECOND AMENDMENT SELL-OUT...

The Governator ran to the RIGHT and runs to the LEFT, may have something to do with his Uber Liberal Kennedy 1st Cousin Wife and Barack Hussein Obama supporter...

Has anybody paid attention to what Arnold has been signing lately?

Micro stamping, ammo bans, gun bans...

It appears that he does not know what a VETO PEN IS...

I am ashamed to admit that I was born in the republic of Kalifornia...

but have long since moved away, never to return except to visit family that cannot move away...
This is an example of how they are trying to do an end run around the Constitution. They are enacting enough legislation to make it too difficult to do business there which is the desired effect without actually being illegal. I don't know how much longer the average Californian will put up with this. I would think that at some point they would react and let the politicians know that they will not accept this.

On another note, I have been seeing all kinds of commercials trying to get visitors to come to California. I think they are having trouble getting tourists to come there. I have also seen that for the first time in decades there are more people moving away from California than moving to it. Couple that with the housing crisis and5 dollar gas 50-100 mile commuting and the car culture that the state is built on and well you have a very dim future.

I will not visit there. There are a lot of interesting and pretty places In CA to see but as long as I am not allowed to carry my firearm to be able to protect myself and family I will stay away. They are to many other states with plenty to see and do that are gun friendly for me to risk my life and spend my money on a socialistic state like this.

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