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Is it just me, or are we electing complete morons as representatives. Who the he11 do they represent? Surely not I ! We need to take this bull by the horns and turn it around. We need a representativer with a spine, who will do something for us.

How about introducing a bill to the house which will raise taxes... lets call it a "Protection Tax" for people who don't own guns. After all, they are the ones calling 911 all the time when there is a bump in the night, instead of taking a gun in hand and going down the cellar or back yard to see what's going on, which is usually nothing.

How about some ideas here folks. Lets think out of the box and find ways to turn the table on these useless liberals always ready to trample our rights. Any ideas, thoughts, post them here, and lets see if we can get anyone to run with one, or more. The best defense is a good offense. :angry:
Talk about cruel & unusal punishment... I wish you well that some sense will prevail. What does the state do to gangbangers who do not care about the law?
Talk about cruel & unusal punishment... I wish you well that some sense will prevail. What does the state do to gangbangers who do not care about the law?

more or less make excuses for why they do what they do and blame the "firearm" itself instead of the person behind the weapon. PRMA is soooo backwards
I saw something in another section here last night, and it reminded me of something I read or saw, and still can't put my finger on it. But it was talking about how years ago there was something called a "Poll Tax" which was designed to keep poor minorities without money from voting, and was eventually deemed unconstitutional saying the government can't charge you for exercising your constitutional rights. So... where do they get off charging us to own guns by making us pay to register and own them? That's the sake as charging you to register to vote. :mad:
Come Come now. These politicians are only looking out for our best interest. They only want the help us. They obviously know what's best:fie::hang3: It's just not American to doubt them:no:
I would refer all of you to an article in the Campaign for Liberty.

".....we're expected to repeat the official mantras that everyone is taught in public school and in state-supported universities: The reasons for all these crises and failures is deregulation, insufficient regulation, the wrong people in office, speculators, greed, OPEC, terrorists, Muslims, illegal aliens, or whatever. We're simply not supposed to even suggest that it's the system itself that is the problem."

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