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Home: No place for Bible study
County demands pastor spend thousands on 'Major Use' permit to host friends

Posted: May 22, 2009
5:13 pm Eastern

By Drew Zahn
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A San Diego pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a county official and warned they will face escalating fines if they continue to hold Bible studies in their home.

The couple, whose names are being withheld until a demand letter can be filed on their behalf, told their attorney a county government employee knocked on their door on Good Friday, asking a litany of questions about their Tuesday night Bible studies, which are attended by approximately 15 people.

"Do you have a regular weekly meeting in your home? Do you sing? Do you say 'amen'?" the official reportedly asked. "Do you say, 'Praise the Lord'?"

The pastor's wife answered yes.

She says she was then told, however, that she must stop holding "religious assemblies" until she and her husband obtain a Major Use Permit from the county, a permit that often involves traffic and environmental studies, compliance with parking and sidewalk regulations and costs that top tens of thousands of dollars.

And if they fail to pay for the MUP, the county official reportedly warned, the couple will be charged escalating fines beginning at $100, then $200, $500, $1000, "and then it will get ugly."

Remind the world who's really in charge with the "Worship GOD, not GOV" magnetic bumper sticker from WND.

Dean Broyles of the Western Center for Law & Policy, which has been retained to represent the couple, told WND the county's action not only violates religious land-use laws but also assaults both the First Amendment's freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.

"The First Amendment, in part, reads, 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,'" Broyles said. "And that's the key part: 'prohibiting the free exercise.' We believe this is a substantial government burden on the free exercise of religion."

He continued, "If one's home is one's castle, certainly you would the think the free exercise of religion, of all places, could occur in the home."

Broyles confirmed the county official followed through on his threat. The pastor and his wife received a written warning ordering the couple to "cease/stop religious assembly on parcel or obtain a major use permit."

"The Western Center for Law and Policy is troubled by this draconian move to suppress home Bible studies," said the law center in a statement. "If the current trends in our nation continue, churches may be forced underground. If that happens, believers will once again be forced to meet in homes. If homes are already closed by the government to assembly and worship, where then will Christians meet?"

On a personal note, Broyles added, "I've been leading Bible studies in my home for 13 years in San Diego County, and I personally believe that home fellowship Bible studies are the past and future of the church. … If you look at China, the church grew from home Bible studies. I'm deeply concerned that if in the U.S. we are not able to meet in our homes and freely practice our religion, then we may be worse off than China."

Broyles also explained to WND that oppressive governments, such as communist China or Nazi Germany, worked to repress home fellowships, labeling them the "underground church" or "subversive groups," legally compelling Christians to meet only in sanctioned, government-controlled "official" churches.

"Therein lies my concern," Broyles said. "If people can't practice their religious beliefs in the privacy of their own homes with a few of their friends, that's an egregious First Amendment violation."

WND contacted a spokeswoman for San Diego County, who acknowledged the description of the incident seemed "bizarre," but who was unable to locate the details of the account. She simply could not provide comment yet, she said, until she could become familiar with the case.

Broyles said the WCLP is nearly ready to file a demand letter with the county to release the pastor and his wife from the requirement to obtain the expensive permit. If the county refuses, Broyles said, the WCLP will consider a lawsuit in federal court.

Broyles also told WND the pastor and his wife are continuing to hold the Bible study in their home
I dont see this as an infringement of the 1st but a violation of parking laws of San Diego. If they where to car pool in with only a few cars Im sure the issue would go away. Unless of course they are singing so loudly they are disturbing the neighbors tranquility:biggrin:
Oh I am sure if they car pooled they would find something else to complain about. It is an attack on freedom of religion in general and Christianity in a paticular that is obvious.
Oh I am sure if they car pooled they would find something else to complain about. It is an attack on freedom of religion in general and Christianity in a paticular that is obvious.

It may be but I doubt it your source is well Known for publishing very little facts in their few of the truth. They are proven to fabricate stories on many occasions. I would try to confirm any store before I would believe them they are as reputable as crooks and liars.:no:
It may be but I doubt it your source is well Known for publishing very little facts in their few of the truth. They are proven to fabricate stories on many occasions. I would try to confirm any store before I would believe them they are as reputable as crooks and liars.:no:

Perhaps you could produce proof they fabricate stories. That should be confirmed before you make those kind of statements also. Could be your statement comes not from any fact but your contempt for Christianity.
Perhaps you could produce proof they fabricate stories. That should be confirmed before you make those kind of statements also. Could be your statement comes not from any fact but your contempt for Christianity.

I have no contempt for Christianity, or any other religion. I was Head deacon on a Presbyterian church for 10 years. I do not at this time go to any church because I feel they all have an agenda that does not follow true christian belief, most are just sects of Christianity no worse or better than any other.
It may be but I doubt it your source is well Known for publishing very little facts in their few of the truth. They are proven to fabricate stories on many occasions. I would try to confirm any store before I would believe them they are as reputable as crooks and liars.:no:

I can't say that they fabricate stories but the slant they do put on some sure approaches fabrication of some of the facts. I can't say about this story but it does sound a little out there. I can understand the parking issue if that is it but there is no way they can prevent bible classes unless the fire marshall decides that the house is overcrowded. At 15 people being too many it must be a very small house. They have at least that many at my wife's circle meeting and they meet at a different house every month.
I can't say that they fabricate stories but the slant they do put on some sure approaches fabrication of some of the facts. I can't say about this story but it does sound a little out there. I can understand the parking issue if that is it but there is no way they can prevent bible classes unles the fire marshall decides that the house is overcrowded. At 15 people beign too many it must be a very small house. Thye have aat least that many at my wife's circle meeting and they meet at a different house every month.

Im betting that it is just nuisance to the neighborhood more than a religious persecution
And as far as how much stock I put in the Lone Star Times here is one of their quotes.

The fact is that tremendous strides have been made at closing the border and slowing the influx.

I wonder what planet they are from?:fie:
This is an outrage:mad:

On the other hand, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the PRCA would do something like this. Where's the ACLU? I'm willing to bet that if it were an assembly of KKK members, they'd intervene; however, because it's a grouip of Christians, they're not going to do a darn thing. What hypocrites this group is.
This is an outrage:mad:

On the other hand, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the PRCA would do something like this. Where's the ACLU? I'm willing to bet that if it were an assembly of KKK members, they'd intervene; however, because it's a grouip of Christians, they're not going to do a darn thing. What hypocrites this group is.

+1 and by the way glad to see or I should say here from you.
my .02

1. This is a blatant attack on Christianity. this activity is not done on Super Bowl sunday when there is loud drunken yelling and skirt chasing, there is no study for parking for that. do they do all this crap if people decide to meet for a meal? the questions are a dead giveaway." do you sing? do you say Amen?" what do you think that is about, grandma's quilting club?
2. as far as to the truth of world net daily , Jerome corsi writes for them . as does chuck norris{ do you really want him ticked off at you?!} i have found the articles they publish to be spot on. they just publish the stuff no one else will. we call it the uncompromised truth. you should try it sometime . be good for you.
3. rockworks, if you are a former deacon, then this should be outregeous to you a this is a attack on YOUR FAITH. THE VERY MENTION of such assinine crap should make you mad as hades. Dr. D. James Kennedy would be ashamed of your position as he was one of the great american christian leaders of our time and did much to further the cause of christ and preserved the knowledge of the christian foundations of this country and i say that unapologetically. did somebody hurt your feelings or something? what made you turn your back on your faith?
Having read the posts and researching the subject why is it only this group being targeted? San Diego is a very large city and I would bet there are others who have Bible study in their homes. My gut says there's more to the story and we need to refrain from judgment until the whole story comes out.
Having read the posts and researching the subject why is it only this group being targeted? San Diego is a very large city and I would bet there are others who have Bible study in their homes. My gut says there's more to the story and we need to refrain from judgment until the whole story comes out.

Ah, once again - I hear your voice of calm and reason.
Kudos to you ronwill.
Wish there were more like you.
Having read the posts and researching the subject why is it only this group being targeted? San Diego is a very large city and I would bet there are others who have Bible study in their homes. My gut says there's more to the story and we need to refrain from judgment until the whole story comes out.

Could be someone complained to the authorities which brought light to the subject. I have heard in years past about other cities trying this sort of thing./I]