Monumental Challenge


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I got "Wind" of this, this morning. I was very surprized it has been so quiet in the news. I quickly looked around the net news and see most posts are very recent.

The case before the SCOTUS: Salazar v. Buono

From the American Legion Website: Monumental Challenge | American Legion

An American Civil Liberties Union establishment-clause lawsuit has forced the federal government to conceal the Mojave Desert memorial inside a wooden box until the case is cleared up. When it hears Salazar v. Buono on Oct. 7, the Supreme Court will decide whether the box comes off or if the cross comes down. The decision will likely shape similar cases currently in the judicial system, and those looming ahead.

From the VFW Web site Last May... Link Removed

Remembering is what a group of veterans had in mind in 1934 when they erected a simple memorial in the shape of a cross to honor 53,000 Americans who had died in battle during our nation's 19-month involvement in what was called the "War to End All Wars."

Seventy-five years later, the U.S. Supreme Court will determine whether that gesture of respect violates the U.S. Constitution's separation of church and state. This is because the memorial resides on federal property in the middle of California's Mojave National Preserve...

I don't know what upsets me more on this issue, The Attacks on our fundimental beliefs, the ACLU, or the Amount of money we need spend to defend this...
Fox News has been talking about the case for a couple day. To me this is just a waste of time and shouldn't an issue at all. I hope SCOTUS ridicules and scorns the ACLU!:mad:
This was in VFW magazine a few months ago. It's a shame when there is any debate whatsoever over a memorial to our veterans.
Has anyone heard what the ruling was on this case?

This is still open.
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Oct 7 2009 Argued. For petitioners: Elena Kagan, Solicitor General, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. For respondent: Peter J. Eliasberg, Los Angeles, Cal.
I got "Wind" of this, this morning. I was very surprized it has been so quiet in the news. I quickly looked around the net news and see most posts are very recent.

The case before the SCOTUS: Salazar v. Buono

From the American Legion Website: Monumental Challenge | American Legion

From the VFW Web site Last May... Link Removed

I don't know what upsets me more on this issue, The Attacks on our fundimental beliefs, the ACLU, or the Amount of money we need spend to defend this...
well said sir.
monument challenge

well said sir, this should be thrown out and the judge should give the a.c.l.u a good toung lashing over this lawsuit!:angry:
We should praise our fallen and thank them every moment for breathing our freedom. And we should recongnize our 2nd ammendment, our forefathers put it there for a reason...ccw .40 cal beretta, I carry everywhere I go.
monumental challenge

I got "Wind" of this, this morning. I was very surprized it has been so quiet in the news. I quickly looked around the net news and see most posts are very recent.

The case before the SCOTUS: Salazar v. Buono

From the American Legion Website: Monumental Challenge | American Legion[/F

From the VFW Web site Last May... Link Removed

I don't know what upsets me more on this issue, The Attacks on our fundimental beliefs, the ACLU, or the Amount of money we need spend to defend this...

amen, the lunatics are running the assilum!
What a Waste

How silly this is, goodness. There are crosses, crescents and the star of David all over federal property, Arlington anybody? The commemoration of fallen soldiers is a pretty long shot from the state endorsement or support of a religion. Who knows, maybe the ACLU will start whining about military cemeteries displaying religious iconography next? Good grief, fretting about human dignity when there are more than enough actual civil liberties being threatened from left and right. You think the ACLU could therefore find some of those to defend. (Which occasionally, very rarely, they do, but seemingly just by accident as of late.)
Amendment 1. "Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion..."
No law was made by Congress in this case. So no National religion has been established.

"... or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..."
A private organization paid for and erected a memorial, freely exercising their religious beliefs.

"or abridging the freedom of speech..."
The SCOTUS have determined in previous cases that symbols represent speech.

Case closed. The box comes off and the memorial stays.

thats what SHOULD happen tex but don't forget the post about the inmates running the asylum. just don't want you to be dissapointed
Supreme Court supports cross on federal land in Calif

Supreme Court says Mojave cross can stand
In a divided ruling, the justices rule that the 1st Amendment calls for ‘accommodation’ of religious displays on public land rather than strict separation of church and state.
The Supreme Court gave its approval Wednesday to displaying a cross on public land to honor fallen soldiers, saying the Constitution "does not require the eradication of all religious symbols in the public realm."
Supreme Court blocks removal of cross in Mojave Desert -

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Still a split vote....
Justice John Paul Stevens was joined in dissent by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor.
Well, they got ir right! Hope they do the same in McDonald vs Chicago!
Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anything at all...nothing, nada, zip,zero, zilch about "the separation of church and state"!
Most times when I tell people that they look at me like I am stupid! ok no wisecracks from the peanut gallery here!

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