Montana laws?


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Ok I tried posting my question under the Montana cat. but it seems no one looks at those or no one knows the answer so here goes. I will be taveling to MT this summer and the only laws I have been able to find concerning carring of a firearm only deal with conceal carry. Basicly 2 places are off limits (that I care about) while CONCEAL carring, banks and places serving alcohol for on site consumption. Does this mean all I have to do when we go out to dinner is open carry? Im really not to concearned with the banks but ya never know. Also I will be visiting Yellowstone and Glacier while I'm there, anything preventing me from carring in those places or in buildings in the parks? Does the law that goes in effect in Feb about national park land effect those places or change anything? Ohh I do have a valid carry permit from GA and TN (TN is going to be my main carry permit) so having a permit is not a problem for concealing.

I do mostly cc or as someone else coined "buldge carry" but have been dabbing more and more in the OC field. Any tips tricks or know hows is greatly appreciated. Also how is OC looked upon from the uneducated citizens up there? I will be spending most my time in Helena and maybe some in Billings or Great Falls. Thanks for the help (if I get any on this post):sarcastic:
I am not up on Montana laws, but you will have better luck finding an answer to your questions here: - A Right Unexercised is a Right Lost! - click on forums and then scroll down to the Montana forum.

As far as National Parks:

It is still illegal to "carry" a firearm in any National Park until Feb 22, 2010. You can "transport" a firearm, unloaded or broken down and in a case, but not carry.

On Feb 22, 2010, whatever method of carry is legal outside the national park in that state will be legal inside the national park as well, just pretend there is no national park boundary. Buildings that are posted with a sign in accordance with 18 USC 930 as Federal facilities will be off limits in the National Park.
Ok I tried posting my question under the Montana cat. but it seems no one looks at those or no one knows the answer so here goes. I will be taveling to MT this summer and the only laws I have been able to find concerning carring of a firearm only deal with conceal carry. Basicly 2 places are off limits (that I care about) while CONCEAL carring, banks and places serving alcohol for on site consumption. Does this mean all I have to do when we go out to dinner is open carry? Im really not to concearned with the banks but ya never know. Also I will be visiting Yellowstone and Glacier while I'm there, anything preventing me from carring in those places or in buildings in the parks? Does the law that goes in effect in Feb about national park land effect those places or change anything? Ohh I do have a valid carry permit from GA and TN (TN is going to be my main carry permit) so having a permit is not a problem for concealing.

I do mostly cc or as someone else coined "buldge carry" but have been dabbing more and more in the OC field. Any tips tricks or know hows is greatly appreciated. Also how is OC looked upon from the uneducated citizens up there? I will be spending most my time in Helena and maybe some in Billings or Great Falls. Thanks for the help (if I get any on this post):sarcastic:
I have been living up in Montana for about 4 years. You can go the Montana Code Annotated to look up concealed carry laws. My understanding is that you are not allowed to carry a concealed weapon within the limits of any city in Montana. There are a lot of liberals in Missoula and you find more conservative folks as you get out into the Bitterroot Valley in Ravalli County. I just don't see a lot of folks carrying their handguns openly in the area of Montana where I reside. But again, I think looking in the "Montana Code Annotated" should give you most of your answers. The web-site also allows you to do a contents search. Good luck and enjoy Montana.
Ok Thanks for the help (the links) through links to links of some links I finally found some creditable information that might help someone else also. When it comes to CC you have to have a permit if your inside city or town limits or in a logging camp. As for OC where ever you want just dont get on a train or break federal laws, no state or publicly owned buildings either. Banks is a no go for CC but as far as I have found is G2G for OC. The tricky part is the alcohol on site consumption law. As the law reads and when you read it as black and white it makes since. You are not allowed to CC in any room inside an establishment where alcohol is sold, dispenced AND consumed. If the bar is a seperate room from the restaraunt (even partial walls) then all 3 dont take place where you sit for dinner ie it is dispenced in a different room then it is consumed. I am still trying to find the AG opinions if there are any but I will be in contact with local officals in MT to confirm my understanding of the law. Also just incase anyone takes their teenager to MT they have to be 14 to OC with out supervision (per state law) I cant think of why I would let a 14 year old carry a firearm but they can in MT.

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