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Gun advocates push bill expanding rights in Montana
Posted: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 1:24 pm · Updated: 12:18 pm, Thu Feb 14, 2013
Gun advocates are advancing several measures aimed at expanding gun rights.
The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday took a second day of testimony on six bills backed by gun advocates.
One of the measures allows concealed carry of weapons by anyone who would otherwise qualify for a permit.
Gun advocates push bill expanding rights in Montana
Another proposal would allow concealed guns in currently prohibited places like bars and public buildings. Supporters said Montana law currently allows open carry of guns into such places — but bans the concealed carry that is far less disruptive.
"If you think open carry is safer in those places, and concealed carry is a crime, I will not be able to explain this bill to you," Kerns said.
Another proposal heard Wednesday would allow the use of silencers while hunting big game, which drew more opposition than a different proposal that would allow the silencers while hunting predators.
They included a proposal to let Montana public college students bring firearms to campus, which supporters said would let people protect themselves from criminals who seek out "gun-free" zones. Opponents said guns on campuses would lead to far more problems than they solve.
Another proposal would bar state law enforcement agencies from enforcing any possible future federal bans on semi-automatic weapons or high-capacity magazines, a response to calls in Washington, D.C. for an assault weapon ban. Another would declare federal law enforcement agents subservient to local sheriffs, seeking to require the federal agents to get local permission before making arrests or issuing warrants.