Missouri: Self-Defense Bill and Right-to-Carry Reform Delivered to Governor


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Missouri: Self-Defense Bill and Right-to-Carry Reform Delivered to Governor

Posted on May 30, 2013

Contact Governor Nixon TODAY and ask him to sign House Bill 533 and Senate Bill 75 into law
Two important pro-gun reforms, Link Removed and Senate Bill 75, were officially delivered to Governor Jay Nixon (D) today. He now has 45 days to act on these measures.
HB 533, sponsored by state Representative Jeanie Riddle (R-49) and state Senator Brian Munzlinger (R-18), would protect the right of a state employee to store a firearm in his or her private vehicle on state property as long as the vehicle is locked and the firearm is not visible. This bill also seeks to prohibit any government entity from using tax dollars to participate in a gun “buyback” program unless the firearms are resold or transferred to a federally licensed firearms dealer.
SB 75, sponsored by state Senator Dan Brown (R-16) and state Representative Eric Burlison (R-133), seeks to reform Missouri’s existing concealed carry process. Currently, the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) is responsible for issuing concealed carry endorsements, but after recently betraying the trust of the people of Missouri, state legislators have demanded the permitting process be transferred to county sheriffs. If SB 75 is enacted, sheriffs will be the issuing authority for all concealed carry permits starting January 1, 2014. In addition to this critical right-to-carry reform, SB 75 would also allow schools to annually teach the NRA Eddie Eagle Gunsafe® Program to help keep children safe.
The NRA thanks the bill sponsors, and also House Speaker Tim Jones (R-110), House Majority Floor Leader John Diehl (R-89), Senate Majority Floor Leader Ron Richard (R-32), Senate Pro Tem Tom Dempsey (R-23) and Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Kurt Schaefer (R-19) for their leadership and steadfast efforts to ensure these essential reforms were passed this legislative session.
Please contact Governor Nixon and respectfully ask him to sign House Bill 533 and Senate Bill 75 into law.
Phone: (573) 751-3222
Click Link Removed to send an e-mail.
NRA-ILA | Missouri Self-Defense Bill and Right-to-Carry Reform Delivered to Governor

Missouri: Right-to-Carry Permit Privacy Update

Posted on April 18, 2013

Recently, Missouri media have reported that the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) initiated a new procedure of scanning and keeping personal documents related to the issuance of your driver’s license and right to carry permit. This procedure violates the "spirit of Missouri law" prohibiting the state from abiding by the federal REAL ID Act, an intrusion into your privacy.

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In response to learning of this abuse of public trust, House Speaker Tim Jones (R-110) ordered hearings on the issue, and the House passed state Representative Todd Richardson’s (R-152) Link Removed. The Senate then passed state Senator Will Kraus’s (R-8) sponsored Senate Bill 252, legislation limiting the DOR's ability to scan, store, and share your private information. Currently, both SB 252 and HB 787 are in the other respective legislative body awaiting committee assignments.
In a committed effort to protect your privacy, Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Kurt Schaefer (R-19) issued binding subpoenas requesting that the DOR turn over all relevant information regarding this issue. Senator Schaefer and the members of the Appropriations Committee also held multiple hearings on the matter. During the investigation and hearings, the Appropriations Committee learned that the Missouri Highway Patrol downloaded the entire list of Right-to-Carry Permit holders and sent it multiple times to unauthorized federal agents at the Social Security Administration, in the mail, and made it available for them to download online.
During repeated hearings and questioning, the Committee determined that the information from the Departments of Revenue, Public Safety, and Highway Patrol were not very forthcoming with concrete reasons on why your personal information was compromised.
The Committee, understanding that these departments and agencies which are responsible for the safekeeping of your privacy, is not satisfied that your gun owner privacy will be protected, and has now acted to protect your privacy regarding Right-to-Carry Permits.
Just last night, the Senate Appropriations Committee funded a new process to allow the Missouri sheriffs, who are elected by you the voter and who are responsible, to handle the issuance of permit certificates and the permits themselves. This process is not complete, and you must contact your state Senator and urge him or her to support the Senate Committee substitute to Link Removed when it comes to a vote next week in the State Senate. This legislation is sponsored by state Representative Rick Stream (R-90).
Contact information for your state Senator can be found here.
Furthermore, the Senate Appropriations Committee is holding hearings in the following Missouri cities to receive your input on the budget process. Please try and attend these important meetings and thank the Senate Appropriations Committee for taking the appropriate steps to protect the privacy of Missouri's permit holders.
Friday, April 19
Executive Conference Center
Renaissance Room
910 West Battlefield Rd
Springfield, MO 65807

Kansas City
Saturday, April 20
North Kansas City Community Center
999 Iron Street
North Kansas City, MO 64116

Cape Girardeau
Friday, April 26
Cape Girardeau Public Library
711 N Clark St
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701

Saturday, April 27
Christian High School-Commons Area
1145 Tom Ginnever Ave
O'Fallon, MO 63366

Since the very beginning, your NRA-ILA has been working closely with legislators to learn about the impact on law-abiding permit holders in Missouri and supports legislation that addresses this injustice. Your NRA-ILA will continue to champion this effort to protect the privacy of Missouri residents and permit holders from bureaucrats and the agencies wishing to add your name to a gun owner database. Please stay tuned for more information in the coming days.
NRA-ILA | Missouri Right-to-Carry Permit Privacy Update


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