Missouri Business & Executive Protection?


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Hi everyone,

I have a quick question that my own research is only sending me in circles.

I know a local business owner that is wanting to hire Executive Protection/Bodyguard Service, but wants it to be an in house employee rather than contract out to an outside firm. Obviously, this is to save on the expense of an outside contractor.

The thing is...I can find regulations for these services in St. Louis and Kansas City, but nothing else. I can't seem to find any regulations on Licenses or Certifications that the company or the Bodyguard has to posess and maintain.

I see that to own a security firm that offers these services to others, there are some requirements and liability issues. I can't find anything, anywhere, on using your own staff (except for firearms issues like having a CCW endorsement).

If anyone can point me to some good information about this or has any special knowledge of what might be required, please let me know. I've ran out of search terms and only keep finding "schools" that claim to teach classes in other states for Missouri Executive Protection. Most of them seem to be diploma mills instead of reputable firms.

My sincere appreciation!

Scott P.
Missouri Business & Executive Protection?

Call the licensing board or Department of public safety in the state. In general to provide a security service you need a state license. But that may only apply to a contracted service. In house may not need such as the business has a license and there are "shop keepers privilege" laws that apply to LP and security positions. I have worked in both fields and currently work in an LP field and we never took a state security guard class or license. All I need to be is a representative for the business and I can protect the assets of the business due to it being private property. If he wants that person to be armed he would assume the liability and just have to write it into his company policy. All applicable state self defense laws would still apply. But again calling the regulatory agency would clarify everything for you.

Thank you for that suggestion. They are on my list already. :-)

I have been researching every government site from state all the way down to county and local municipality. The only areas I can find, and after talking with a couple people this morning on another board, only St. Louis and Kansas City require any type of Licensure. The rest of MO seems to not even have any distinction between a basic desk jockey mall cop watching monitors all night and/or a Private Protection Specialist. Most of MO don't even seem to require a PI license unless the company uses that person in any investigative capacity of some kind. See why I feel like I'm chasing my tail here? LOL

Here is a little more detail I was too tired to post last night. It might add a little context for anyone else that might have answers for me:

Here's why I love forums and communities like this. You can get great advice on both Pro & Con and use that to better inform people based on more than a "hey, I read somewhere" type answer...often from someone that has actually been there. I appreciate your time and advice!

I was kind of looking at it in the same light of why skimp on security. As many small business owners are, this one is very cost conscious and while he isn't concerned with initial costs or insurance, he is of the mindset that if he knows and trusts his protector, he feels more secure than bringing someone on board that all he knows is what shows up in a background check.

I do believe he is more concerned for his family than himself, since he could be easily replaced (in his mind) with someone else that could step in and do the same job. As his profile rises, so do potential threats to himself and his family and I believe he is looking for more peace of mind than anything.

I also think, coming from a small business mindset, the "in-house" part was based on how other positions were filled by family or friends that had the skills to do the job. I am aware of some " Special Forces" type friends they might be leaning toward as in house hiring material. Obviously, there would have to be ongoing training and courses designed around Executive Protection for his "team" as it were. I do not believe he is planning for only 1 guy, but for a small security team that grows as his business grows.

My biggest concern for them is the Legal and Liability Ramafications of whatever choice they make! Although I could find no specific requirements or licensures outside 2 Municipalities, I could also not get the thought of liability alone to quit screaming out. I don't even know what types of policies would cover something like that.

Anyone else that might want to chime in, please feel free...or if you have any other thoughts, please don't hesitate to share them with me as we'll.

I don't have a vested interest in this beyond protecting my friend from making the wrong choices. That, thankfully, allows me to be objective all the way around!

Thanks again,

Scott P.
An in house security (or executive protection) is not required by the state to be licensed other than a concealed weapons permit.
It is treated much different that a security company which contracts services to clients.

I would, however, find a company that provides executive protection to certify him as if he was their employee...They should be willing to allow him to take classes for a fee.

Make sure the company has a bond to protect him in the event he is involved in an incident.
Thanks NCIC105! The bond and/or liability insurance are about the only things I haven't found much info on. I'm going to have him talk to his attorney about that part and it might end up being cheaper to contract to a company that has those hurdles covered already...at least that seems to be the general consensus I'm getting from most places I posed the question. :-)

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