Minor Fender-Bender Leads to Murderous Rampage in Fla.


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If you were not already convinced that you need to take your gun everywhere you go I hope this will do it. The animals are everwhere

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Minor Fender-Bender Leads to Murderous Rampage in Fla.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

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LAKE HAMILTON, Fla. — A Florida man was arrested after allegedly going on a violent rampage after a minor fender-bender, slashing and stabbing the occupants of a car, then running over and killing a woman who had been riding in another nearby vehicle.

Casey Weldon Till, 26, of Haines City, faces murder and carjacking charges after the attacks involving family members traveling in two vehicles.

The Polk County Sheriff's Office tracked Till to his home through a pill bottle left at the scene late Sunday night. Police allege that he killed Odalis Cespedes, 41, by running her over twice. Till told police he was high on crack at the time.

The violence apparently unfolded after Till's minivan slammed into a stopped car being driven by Cespedes' daughter, 19-year-old Ivon Despaigne, and her boyfriend, 21-year-old Angel Gonzalez, of Kissimmee. When the couple got out to check the damage, Till allegedly slashed Gonzalez's throat and stabbed Despaigne in the neck.

Investigators say Till then got into the couple's car and repeatedly rammed the vehicle ahead, occupied by Cespedes, her husband, 41-year-old Mario Despaigne, and their 6-month-old granddaughter.

The couple got their granddaughter out of the car seat and Cespedes was trying to flee with the baby in her arms when she was killed, Mario Despaigne said in an interview with The Ledger, which was conducted through an interpreter.

Mario Despaigne said Till drove over his wife's leg, then ran over her again after seeing she was still moving. Despaigne said he grabbed the baby. Then Gonzalez got into Till's van and hit him, then tried to back over him, but Till rolled out of the way, according to the arrest report.

Till then allegedly ran back to his van, ignoring commands to stop from a Lake Hamilton police officer who happened upon the scene. Till sped off, hitting officer David Hurst in the arm and midsection with the van's open door.

Till had locked himself in his bathroom and cut his wrists by the time investigators found him, the report said. He allegedly admitted the attacks to his wife and mother.

The police report listed Gonzalez and Ivon Despaigne in critical condition, but a local hospital would not provide information about their condition Tuesday.

Till was being held Tuesday in the Polk County Jail on charges of murder, attempted murder, aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer, carjacking and improper exhibition of a weapon. It was not immediately known if Till had an attorney.
Yep, blame it on the Crack. To bad the officer was not there just a tad earlier to attempt to stop Till in his tracks.
You are correct on carrying your weapon with you at ALL times.
Seems like prayers are going out all this week to Families.
How unfortunate. Also, how equally unfortunate that the Bradys are looking for incidents such as this to happen to prove their theory that keeping a gun nearby will turn even the most peaceful of people into murderous maniacs if they are provoked.
How unfortunate. Also, how equally unfortunate that the Bradys are looking for incidents such as this to happen to prove their theory that keeping a gun nearby will turn even the most peaceful of people into murderous maniacs if they are provoked.

If some psycho is attacking me, I'll do what it takes to "stop the threat". If my Glock is handy, then I'll use it, otherwise I'll find other means of stopping the psycho. A chair, crow bar, or whatever is handy will be used to protect myself and others who need assistance.

It was not just the high from crack but the psychological problems created from years of use.He will be free in about 10 years to resume his habit.
If some psycho is attacking me, I'll do what it takes to "stop the threat". If my Glock is handy, then I'll use it, otherwise I'll find other means of stopping the psycho. A chair, crow bar, or whatever is handy will be used to protect myself and others who need assistance.


I wondering what the 21 year old husband was thinking. When they both got out of the car, didn't it occur to him to be on guard? I would have been on high alert after the accident. If had used his head, the mother might still be alive.
I wondering what the 21 year old husband was thinking. When they both got out of the car, didn't it occur to him to be on guard? I would have been on high alert after the accident. If had used his head, the mother might still be alive.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's place the blame where it belongs, which is on Till, not the 21-year-old guy. While it is indeed true that he could have been more aware of his surroundings, he is not to blame for his girlfriend's mother's death. He wasn't doing anything that I'm sure most other people would have been doing (checking the damage).
kwo51; I doubt if he'll do 10 years. With all our court "liberals", they'll just slap his hands, give him a few years suspended, and turn him loose to go again, and again, and again.
Wow...that's crazy. It's too bad someone didn't put this guy down at the time.

People should know that at least one person should stay in the car after an accident. Fender-benders are a common pretense for robbery and carjackings.
Yep, blame it on the Crack. To bad the officer was not there just a tad earlier to attempt to stop Till in his tracks.
You are correct on carrying your weapon with you at ALL times.
Seems like prayers are going out all this week to Families.

Last November we were in the Orlando area, and on this day we were at a busy intersection waiting for a light. Obvious crack head female, late 20's looks late 60's strolls up to the wifes side of the PU trying to get her attention.
Travel with the windows up, doors locked is SOP, the wife reaches for the window button and I hit the window lock out so she cant roll hers down. The Crack head is trying to get us to roll down the window N I just shout to her to get lost we have nothing for you, N when the light changed we drove away leaving her in the middle of the road.
N that was just one incident, every night on the news it was Drive by shooting, Drug related shooting, robbery, assault, it is a jungle around these areas. N I had to go for the HK one day to avert a Perp while at a gas station, Yeah you need your gun down there real bad.