Mini-14 vs AK vs AR


New member
My apologies if this subject has been brought up before, I’m a new guy.
I’m looking for a fun gun, something that can be used for the pure pleasure of poking holes in paper, blasting milk jugs, and peppering clay targets. We have a Ruger 10/22 that is a hoot.
There are three weapons that come to mind: Mini-14/30, AR15 and the AK47.

I am leaning toward the Mini-14/30 for two reasons: 1. Cost ($550-$650) 2. Looks (not as ‘military’ looking). The .233 caliber is something I like as well, but since I haven’t purchased anything yet the field is open.

The pros for the AR and AK I see are the ability of parts and accessories. The cons for these two is the initial cost.

I look to get a new toy soon, and lean toward the Ruger. If I am about to make a really bad choice, please stop me.

You can get and AR for a similar price

My apologies if this subject has been brought up before, I’m a new guy.
I’m looking for a fun gun, something that can be used for the pure pleasure of poking holes in paper, blasting milk jugs, and peppering clay targets. We have a Ruger 10/22 that is a hoot.
There are three weapons that come to mind: Mini-14/30, AR15 and the AK47.

I am leaning toward the Mini-14/30 for two reasons: 1. Cost ($550-$650) 2. Looks (not as ‘military’ looking). The .233 caliber is something I like as well, but since I haven’t purchased anything yet the field is open.

The pros for the AR and AK I see are the ability of parts and accessories. The cons for these two is the initial cost.

I look to get a new toy soon, and lean toward the Ruger. If I am about to make a really bad choice, please stop me.


AR's are more plentiful, more accurate, easier to get high cap mags for and easier to get cool gadgets for.

On the other hand...the mini 30 is much more accurate than the AK and baseball bat reliable. Just make sure you get the heavier barrel option and tapco makes an awesome looking stock for it
I would say it depends on what you want. I had a Mini 14 and sold it to build my AR. I really wish I didn't sell it. I don't like selling guns. I also am saving for an AK. If you're concerned about price you can find AK's for around 300 bucks.
My AR's are the ones that I like and shoot the most. You can find an AR in the price range you quoted if you look around. You can build one for that amount also. The best thing you can do is try to fire each one and decide which one you like the most. Asking on a forum which is the best won't get you anywhere. Everyone has different preferences...
I've had all 3 and they all have their merits, but hands down for just plain fun to shoot and cost, the Mini 14 has my vote.
I have 3 of them in different configurations and absolutely love them. They are small, well balanced, affordable and have always worked flawlessly. Yes, the magazines may run a little bit more, but once you have them you're set. You can get some brands of magazines other than Ruger's (expensive) that run $18-24 for 30 rd magazines. Enjoy!
I am not an AR fan in any means whatsoever, or .223 for that matter however for your purpose, I'd get the AR.
And if you're so inclined, you can buy a really nifty drop-in bullpup stock for the Mini-14! :smile:
I have a Mini-14. It eats any ammo you throw at it and is more accurate than I am. I have a Butler Creek folding stock for it. That being said, GOOD high-cap mags for it are $30-40, while they are half that for good AR mags. ARs have far more options for accessories. A good AR is probably more accurate than a Mini, but I hear the new Minis narrow that distance to negligibility. Mine is an older model.

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