Mindset of "elite" Anti-gunners


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I had a once-friend say to me, "Handguns have no place in modern America."

This is how some people actually think, as if deleting handguns would delete crime. Dude claimed that we who carry are "Wyatt Earp types" and are lacking in education. If we were "socially refined like him..." we'd have no issue with being disarmed.

It was shortly after that comment that the friendship ended.
I argued the point, but apparently to him I'm a Neanderthal, so my arguments were invalid.

We have a LOT of people in America who think this way. Fortunately we outnumber them.

It occurs to me that in a SHTF scenario, guys like this will be hunkered in a dark room while the power grid is down, while hoping someone like us (I speak for those who are armed and ready for such things) will protect and feed them and their families.

It astounds me that people with advanced degrees can be so naive. I guess they think that throwing books at people would be adequate to defend their homes and families.

Being armed/carrying is about self-defense and more. It's about survival in myriad ways, from hunting wild game to stopping attackers.

I wanted to post this personal experience to highlight the mentality of many anti's. They seem to actually believe this sort of nonsense. They've probably never encountered lethal force, or think somehow that stating their ridiculous opinions will convince those who are tactically prepared that we should voluntarily give up our rights to make THEM more comfortable in society. Perhaps they think that criminals will all just voluntarily amend their lifestyles suddenly and volunteer to live in a commune where every disagreement is resolved with conversation, and everyone shares their goods ......

No amount of examples to the contrary, or valid statistical data works in arguing with such people.

I don't know about you all, but assume you would think it's as absurd as I do.

Be advised, there are people who actually believe disarming us uneducated cave dwellers is a good idea. We can be rehabilitated to be like them after all.

Of course this guy thought that LE and military should retain their arms. I guess his education lacked history courses that readily show otherwise.

I remember long ago when Florida started issuing concealed carry licenses how the murder rate went down, and suddenly unarmed tourists were targeted by criminals because they knew the citizens might be armed.

Situational awareness for us needs to include political awareness. Think about the anti who would be our president right now if it didn't.

<end of rant/soliloquy>

I have a number of acquaintances that think the same way. But as more & more violence like the recent murder of that old man in Cleveland has become common place, they are starting to come around. Doubt many of them will be running out getting carry permits or buying guns. But at least they are beginning to get why I carry.
Yeh I hope they capture the SOB that did it. He provided plenty of evidence. and I'd hope nobody would buy an insanity plea if it gets that far.

As for the attitude, it's a real shame it takes such events for people to realize being armed is simply personal responsibility vs Wyatt Earp type ppl just wanting to strap on a gun...

What would be very helpful is if the media reported all the attacks that armed citizens survived because they carried ya know? But what's the odds.....

I do hope your friends start to "get it," as with those I know who don't!
Hell, I had a nephew' wife try to give me grief for carrying....family ought to know better, but....she'd asked why I carried two guns & my response was "just in case I were in a violent encounter."
Her response was, "So you think you're gonna be in a violent encounter" as if she thought it was a ludicrous possibility.

Had she known I actually had 3 on me she may well have fainted! Lol though, she'll come around...

Take care,

Sent from my iPhone using USA Carry
Yeh I hope they capture the SOB that did it. He provided plenty of evidence. and I'd hope nobody would buy an insanity plea if it gets that far.

As for the attitude, it's a real shame it takes such events for people to realize being armed is simply personal responsibility vs Wyatt Earp type ppl just wanting to strap on a gun...

What would be very helpful is if the media reported all the attacks that armed citizens survived because they carried ya know? But what's the odds.....

I do hope your friends start to "get it," as with those I know who don't!
Hell, I had a nephew' wife try to give me grief for carrying....family ought to know better, but....she'd asked why I carried two guns & my response was "just in case I were in a violent encounter."
Her response was, "So you think you're gonna be in a violent encounter" as if she thought it was a ludicrous possibility.

Had she known I actually had 3 on me she may well have fainted! Lol though, she'll come around...

Take care,

Sent from my iPhone using USA Carry

By now we all likely know the murderer was spotted, ran and shot himself rather than be captured. I hate it when they do that! Would've preferred to him have to spend the rest of his pathetic existence in a cell, keeping company with those fine institutions' tenants....or perhaps riding the lightning at his execution.
At least the scumbag population is down by one though.


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